词汇学 教案 Chapter 2 The Development of the English Vocabulary.doc

词汇学 教案 Chapter 2 The Development of the English Vocabulary.doc

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Chapter 2 The Development of the English Vocabulary I. The Indo-European Language Family 1) Armenian 2) Albanian Prussian普鲁士语 Lithuanian立陶宛语 Polish波兰语 3) Balto-Slavic Czech捷克 Bulgarian保加利亚语 Slovenian斯洛文尼亚语 Russian俄罗斯语 an Eastern set Persian波斯语 Bengali 孟加拉语 4) Indo-Iranian Hindi 北印度语 Romany吉普赛语 Scottish苏格兰语 Irish爱尔兰语 1) Celtic Welsh威尔士 Breton布列塔尼语 Pictish皮克特语 Portuguese葡萄牙语 Spanish西班牙语 2)Italic French法语 Italian意大利语 Rumanian罗马尼亚语 The Indo-European 3) Hellenic: Greek is the modern language derived from Hellenic Language Family an Western Set English英语 German德语 4) Germanic Dutch荷兰语 Flemish弗来芒语 Norwegian Icelandic Scandinavian languages Danish Swedish 5)Hittite 6) Tocharian II. A Brief History of English Words English has a history of only 1,500 years, developing from a local language spoken by a small number of people on a small island about the middle of the fifth century. But now English is one of the most important languages in the world, spoken by more than 370 million people as a first language in the United Kingdom,


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