英语:Unit 4《Astronomy the science of the stars》教案-Writing(新人教版必修3).docVIP

英语:Unit 4《Astronomy the science of the stars》教案-Writing(新人教版必修3).doc

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英语:Unit 4《Astronomy the science of the stars》教案-Writing(新人教版必修3).doc

Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Teaching goals 教学目标 1 Target language目标语言 a重点词汇和短语 explore, characteristics b重点句子 Write a short article explaining three problems you might meet on the moon.. You may ask the following questions as well as work out some more. 2 Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the Ss to write an article about your idea or hopes for traveling in space. 3 Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the Ss to learn how to write a passage. Teaching important difficult points教学重点和教学难点 Teach the Ss how to write an article about a space travel. Teaching methods教学方法 Task-based learning Discussion. Teaching aids教具准备 a projector, a computer Teaching procedures ways教学过程与方式 Step I Writing The purpose of this writing is for students to think about what kind of equipment they would need to be safe in space. It’s a good opportunity for a discussion about the pains and pleasures that might occur when traveling in space. After the discussion, they can write down the problems and the way to solve them. T: If you are going off on a holiday, what will you take? S1: I will take clothes, shoes, food and many other things. T: But for space travel, you need specialized equipment. What equipment should you take? We have discussed them in last lesson. Who can answer this question? S2: oxygen can, spacesuit, gravity boots, water system, special food., special ropes, space buggy, sunglasses and space camera. T: We take so many things with us in order to avoid many dangers. What are the dangers? If you don’t know many enough, let’s watch the film “Apollo”. It’s a film about an American space mission that went wrong. After that, you should write down the dangers and the way to solve them. (Watch the film.) Sample article: If I visited the moon, I might have three problems: how to breathe, how to eat and how to move around. I would have to carry all my air with me if I went to the moon. This is because the moon has no air of its own. So I would need oxygen tanks placed on my back so I



