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GRE数学考试词汇A abscissa? ?? ?横坐标 absolute value? ?? ?绝对值 account for? ?? ?(数量)占 acute angle? ?? ?锐角 acute triangle? ?? ?锐角三角形 add? ?? ?加add to addition? ?? ?加,加法 adjacent angles? ?? ?邻角 algebraic expression? ?? ?代数式 algebraic fraction? ?? ?分式 algebraic term? ?? ?代数项 aliquot? ?? ?除得尽数 aliquant? ?? ?除不尽数 alternate angles? ?? ?内错角 altitude? ?? ?高度 amount? ?? ?合计 angle bisector? ?? ?角平分线 apiece? ?? ?每人,每个 approximately? ?? ?近似的,大约的 approximation? ?? ?近似,近似值 arc? ?? ?弧,圆周的任意一段 area? ?? ?面积 arithmetic? ?? ?算术 arithmetic(al) average? ?算术平均数 arithmetic(al) mean算术平均数或等差中项 arithmetic(al) progression或series? ?? ?算术级数,等差级数 assume that? ?? ?假定义…… at random? ?? ?随机地 at right angles with? ??与……成直角 at this rate? ?? 以这样的比率,价格或速度 average? ?? ?平均,平均数平均的 axis? ?? ?轴 B balance? ?? ?余额 bar graph(chart)? ?? ?条带图 base? ?? ?堤边,底面,幂或乘方的底数 base area? ?? ?底面积 be across from? ?? ?在……对面 be closet to? ?? ?最接近…… be composed of? ?? ?由构成 be equal to? ?? ?与……相等 be equivalent to anther equation? ?? ?与另一方程解 be fewer than? ?? ?小于 be greater than? ?? ?大于 be greater than or equal to? ?不小于 be inscribed in? ?? ?内接于 be less than? ?? ?小于 be less than or equal to? ?? ?不大于 be parallel to? ?? ?平行于 be perpendicular to? ?? ?垂直于 be substituted for? ?? ?代替 binomial? ?? ?二项式 bisect? ?? ?把……二等分 block? ?? ?立体 blot out? ?? ?涂掉,删掉 bound? ?? ?辩解,范围;邻接 *brand? ?? ? *bulk? ?? ?大量 C calculate to three decimal places? ?? ?计算结果保留三位小数 cancellation? ?? ?约掉,消掉 *car pool? ?? ? catch up with? ?? ? cent? ?? ? center? ?? ?圆心 central angle? ?? ?圆心角 chord? ?? ?弦 circle? ?? ?圆 circle graph(chart)? ?? ?圆形图 circular? ?? ?圆形的,环形的 circular cylinder? ?? ?圆柱 circumference? ?? ?圆的周长 clear an equation of fractions? ?? ?分式方程整式化 clockwise? ?? ?顺时针 coefficient? ?? ?系数 *coin? ?? ? column? ?? ?列,圆柱 common denominator? ?? ?公分母 common difference? ?? ?等差数列的公差 common divisor(factor)? ?共因子;公约数 common ratio? ?? ?等比数列的公比 common multiple? ?? ?公倍数 complement? ?? ?余角 complementary angle? ?? ?余角 complete circle? ?? ?全圆 complete quadratic (equation)? ?? ?全二次方


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