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摘 要干涉型光纤水听器作为一种新型的传感器系统,具有灵敏度高,抗电磁干扰与信号串扰能力强,耐高温,抗腐蚀的特点,被广泛应用于信号的实时采样设计中。本设计的主要目的就是将FPGA中的来自光纤干涉水听器的数据实时传输给上位机。 随着电子工业的发展,USB数据传输技术得到了普遍应用,其具有高速,高可靠性,和高度通用的特点。能够满足高速数据采样系统中数据实时传输的要求,经过与其他传输技术的比较,本方案采用基于FPGA的USB数据传输设计。设计主要从USB传输技术方案,通信协议以及驱动的一些基本知识入手,使用CY7C68013A传输控制芯片和EP2C8Q208C8 FPGA芯片完成了方案的详细设计。在Altera的FPGA的设计环境Quartus II下,使用VHDL语言完成了FPGA内部USB接口控制程序的编写和接口控制器的时序功能仿真。结合干涉型水听器的数据传输要求,编写数据产生模块结合USB接口控制程序完成模拟数据传输的时序功能仿真。结合实际修改CY7C68013的USB传输固件,结合开发板的调试软件,完成了模拟数据传输的硬件验证。 关键词: FPGA VHDL USB通信 光纤干涉水听器 业 设 计 外 文 摘 要 Title Transmission design between FPGA and host PC in fiber optic hydrophone Abstract Fiber optic hydrophone as a new type of sensor has a quality of high sensitivity. It can be used in the field with electromagnetic interference, high temperature or high corrosion. So it is widely used in the design of real time sampling system. The main purpose of this design is to transmit the data in FPGA which is from fiber optic hydrophone system to the host pc in real time . Along with the development of the electronic industry, USB data transmission technology is widely used with the character of high speed ,high reliability and universal property. So it meets the demand of the high speed data transmission in real time system. Compared with other technology I choice the USB data transmission based on FPGA design. This design mainly from the FPGA and USB type selection, the FPGA design process, USB2.0 communication protocol and some basic knowledge of driver.Then accordingly make the detailed design scheme with the USB controller chip CY7C68013A and the FPGA chip EP2C8Q208C8. Use the VHDL language and complete the program of FPGA internal USB interface controller with timing function simulation in the design environment under Quartus II. To meet with the data transmission request ,then compete the data generating module program which combined with the USB interface controller program to complete the data t


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