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计 算 机 及 应 用 专 业 本 科 毕 业 论 文 设计(论文)题目:图书管理系统 姓 名: 陈 光 1 学 号: 104109252070 1 指导教师: 张 剡 1 专 业: 计算机及应用 年 级: 09专接本 学 校: 南京大学 摘 要 本文着重阐述了图书馆管理系统的整体开发过程。介绍了系统的开发环境以及开发工具,对于设计思想和设计流程也做出了全面的叙述,并且具体剖析了系统各个功能的实现过程以及详细设计过程,在绘制简单系统功能模块图的同时,力求更加清晰地表明设计思想,并在整个程序设计的规划及具体开发过程中,充分考虑其可扩充性。 系统处理的准确性和及时性是系统的必要性能。图书馆管理系统这个项目采用模块化的设计思想,在Windows XP操作系统环境下,运用DreamWeaver8搭建系统平台,Acess2003数据库管理系统,实现了用户管理、图书借阅、图书归还、借阅排行、借阅记录、图书修改、图书分类、新书上架等8大主要模块。 本系统具有多方面特点:系统功能完备,用户使用方便简捷,人性化的用户界面,安全保密设置齐全,大大减少了操作人员和用户的工作负担,提高了图书管理的工作效率和学校的信息化的水平。 关键词:图书管理信息系统,ASP,Microsoft Access2003 Abstract This article focuses on the library management system as a whole development process. Introduces the system development environment and the tools, ideas and design process for the design has also made a comprehensive statement, and specific analysis of the system implementation process of various functions and the detailed design process, in drawing a simple system function block diagram of the same time, to more clearly show that the design and planning throughout the program design and the specific development process, full account of its scalability. System processing accuracy and timeliness necessary to the performance of the system. This project uses the library management system, modular design, the Windows XP operating system environment, the use DreamWeaver8 to build platform, Acess2003 database management system, user management, library, book return, loan ranking, loan records, books modification, books classification, book shelves and other 8 major major modules. This system has many features: the system functions, the user easy to use simple, intuitive user interface, security settings are complete, greatly reducing the operator workload of staff and users to improve the efficiency of library management and information technology in schools level. Keywords: library management information system, ASP, Microsoft A


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