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 基于高斯回归的连续空间多智能体跟踪学 习# 魏海军,陈鑫** 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 (中南大学信息科学与工程学院,长沙 410083) 摘要:在多智能体的实际应用中,泛化往往是多智能体系统(MAS)策略学习算法应用于连续 状态空间需要解决的关键问题之一。本文提出一种基于高斯回归的连续空间多智能体跟踪学 习架构。通过定义降维的 Q 函数强调学习智能体对其它智能体策略的适应性;利用高斯回 归建立环境状态转移模型和队友联合策略模型,实现即时回报和样本值函数的计算;基于样 本值函数提出联合状态-个体动作空间的 Q 值函数分离建模方法和 V 值函数高斯建模方法, 实现连续空间状态和动作的泛化;结合样本集动态调整方法,形成 MAS 环境下智能体跟踪 式学习算法;通过算法在典型连续空间协调控制问题 Multi-Cart-pole 的仿真实验表明,算法 能够在动力学模型和同伴策略未知的条件下,在较短时间内实现协作策略的学习,以及状态 空间的泛化,具有学习效率高、泛化能力强等特点. 关键词:连续状态空间;多智能体系统;基于模型的强化学习;高斯回归 中图分类号:TP181 Tracking Learning Based on Gaussian Regression for Multi-agent Systems in Continuous spaces Wei Haijun, Chen Xin (School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083) Abstract: In the implementations of multi-agent systems, generalization is always viewed as one of the key issues before multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms are applicable to continuous environments. The paper proposes an architecture of tracking learning based on Gaussian regression for MASs in continuous spaces. With a new Q value with reduced dimension defined, it is emphasized to entitle agents to learn strategy adapting to (or tracking) others’ behaviors. A probabilistic model of state transition and a partner’s motion strategy in the algorithm are constructed by using Gaussian regression, so that the instant reward and Q values w.r.t. samples can be computed real time. Based on Q values w.r.t. samples, a separation type Q-function modeling method for joint state single action space is developed, as well as V-function modeling, in order to generalize state and action spaces. Thus, with a kind of dynamic adjustment for sample set applied, a tracking learning algorithm for MAS is achieved. In the simulation of Multi-Cart-pole, which is a typical coordinated control problem, even if dynamics or partner’s motion strategies are unknown in priori, agent executing the algorithm is able to learn coordinated strategy, and realize generalization of state space as well.


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