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PAGE 本科生毕业论文(设计)题 目Diction of English BusinessCorrespondence Translation商务英语函电翻译的用词技巧专 业英 语(商务英语)院 系外国语学院学 号姓 名指导教师答辩时间商务英语函电翻译的用词技巧摘 要:当今社会,贸易扮演着十分重要的角色,各国间的贸易也越来越频繁。贸易来往有多种方式,例如电话,信函,传真,邮件,面对面会议等。其中,商务信函在对外贸易中是非常重要的书面文件,因此,它的翻译和用词都必须既要遵守准确和规范的原则,又要兼备商务的特点,不恰当的翻译可能会导致信息传递的偏差甚至影响贸易的顺利进行。本文通过举例和比较来总结说明商务函电翻译的用词技巧。关键词:商务英语函电;翻译;用词技巧Diction of English Business Correspondence TranslationAbstract: Nowadays, business plays a very important role in the society. And businesses between different countries are becoming more and more frequent. There are various ways of business communications. Such as business telephoning, letters, faxes, e-mails, face-to-face meetings, and so on. And business correspondence plays an especially important role in foreign trade. So, the translation of it should follow the principles of accuracy and formativeness, as well as the characteristics of business. Disproportionate translation may lead to the deviation of the information transfer even influence the trade. Examples and comparisons are used to make the conclusion of diction of business correspondence translation.Key Words: English business correspondence; translation; dictionContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u TOC \* MERGEFORMAT 1. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc308606175 \h 12. The situation of English business correspondence translation PAGEREF _Toc308606176 \h 12.1 The difficulties in business correspondence translation PAGEREF _Toc308606177 \h 12.2 Analysis of the reason PAGEREF _Toc308606178 \h 13. The importance of diction of English business correspondence translation PAGEREF _Toc308606179 \h 23.1 The characteristic of English business correspondence translation PAGEREF _Toc308606180 \h 23.1.1 The characteristic of translation PAGEREF _Toc308606181 \h 23.1.2 The


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