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《电力系统建模及仿真课程设计》 总结报告 课题名称 基于MATLAB的电力系统短路故障的仿真与分析 姓 名 学 号 院 系 班 级 指导教师 摘 要 基于Matlab最重要的组件之一Simulink中的电力元件库(SimPowerSystems)构建电力系统仿真模型,在Matlab的平台下仿真电力系统为工程设计和维修提供依据重要的依据,同时也为电力研究带来大大的便利,利用Simulink中的画图工具搭建电力系统模型也是进行电力系统故障分析的常用方法,它让电力研究者从大量繁琐的理论分析及复杂的矩阵计算中解脱出来,让庞大的电力系统很直观的呈现在研究者的面前,从而将庞大的电力网搬进了办公室,为研究带来了巨大的便利。  简要介绍了电力系统模型和MATLAB/ SIMULINK中SimPowerSystems (电力系统元件库) 的主 要功能. SimPowerSystems 是专门为电力系统设计的仿真分析软件,在对其基本元件进行介绍后,在仿真平 台上,通过对一个简单的电力系统输电线路的短路故障进行设计、仿真、分析,得到了理想的仿真效果. 关键词: Matlab SimPowerSystems 短路电流计算 仿真 Simulation and Analysis of Power System Short Circuit Fault Based on Matlab Zhang Jun-yue College of Physics and Electronic Information Electrical Engineering and Automation No: 070544037 Tutor: Wu Yan Abstract: The article describes the basic characteristics of Matlab /Simulink and the basic method and process of applying Matlab in the simulation of power system. Matlab SimPowerSystems Block set is used to build a model of single-machine infinity-bus system and simulate various fault of power system. The results show that the simulation waveform is in line with theoretical analysis and Matlab is a valid tool for the simulation of power system fault. By the contrast and analysis of different short circuit faults, we can obtain a result that the three-phase short circuit fault is the worst situation in the faults of power system. So this situation should be avoided as far as possible in manufacture. Also, by the contrast and analysis of the fault resolution time, we know that clearing the short circuit fault on a minimal time is one way to guarantee the power system running regularly and reduce the loss. 摘 要 2 1 引言 4 2 电力系统模型 4 短路产生的原因有很多,主要有以下几个方面: 5 短路的危害 5 短路故障分析的内容和目的 6 3 电力系统仿真模型的建立与分析 6 3.1 电力系统仿真模型 7 3.2 仿真参数设置 8 3.3 仿真结果分析 11 3.3.1A.B.C三相短路 11 3.3.2 A相接地短路 13 3.3.3 A,B两相短路 16 3.3.4 A,B 两相接地短路 19 4 结论 22


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