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####大学 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题目 Φ190/Φ500*450四辊冷轧机设计之四--轧钢机机架设计 学生姓名: 学生学号: 指导教师: 机械工程 学院 机械设计制造及其自动化 专业 班 2011年6月15日 毕业设计(论文)任务书 专业 机械设计制造及其自动化 班级姓名 下发日期 题目 500450四辊冷轧机设计之四 专题 主 要 内 容 及 要 求 图纸。 主要技术参数 1、轧制材料:25Cr2MoVA; 2、原料规格:3.1200; 3、轧制规程:; 4、轧制速度:2m/s。 进 度 及 完 成 日 期 教学院长签字日 期 教研主任签字 日 期 指导签字 日 期 指导教师给定成绩(30%) 给定成绩(30%) 答辩成绩 (40%) Abstract The mill is a small four-high cold rolling mill. The project is on the design of the Mill Housing. Mill Housing is one of the most important components which is used for installing the whole system of Roll, the device which regulates Mill Roll and supporting all of rolling pressure. Mill Housing has been designed the perpetual and unsubstitutive component for its large weight, complex technological process and high safety coefficient. Frame design steps can be divided into the following steps: 1) The frame is determined primarily shape and size 2) The conventional calculation: the material mechanics, mechanics of elasticity and other solid mechanics theory and calculation formula of cutter, the strength, stiffness and stability checking aspects. 3) Tinted element static and dynamic analysis and model test (or physical test) and the optimized design 4) Manufacturing technology and economy analysis. Strength and Deformation calculation of Close-top mill housing mainly adopt the Calculation Method of A.I.Tselikov, and then use the Finite Element Method to compare Housing’s Stress, Deformation and safety coefficient. We can gain the complete stress filed of Mill Housing through using the Finite Element Method. In the past design of Mill Housing, safety coefficient is bestowed with high number but it couldn’t assure the reliability of Housing. The parts where are easily destroyed are distributed where stress concentrate such as the hole which is installed roll positioning nut, the corners of window of the Mill Housing and so on. The calculation method of A.I.Tselikov cloud only gain the stress of


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