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2012 届 土木工程 学院 专 业 土木工程 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 完成日期 2012年5月31日 毕业论文成绩单 毕业论文任务书 毕业论文开题报告 摘 要 高速铁路是铁路现代化的标志之一,它具有快速、平稳、无污染、安全舒适等优点,是目前我国铁路线路发展的主要方向。路基作为高速铁路的基础,它的坚固平稳与否,直接影响线路的运行速度和安全性。然而,由于铁路路基一直暴露在复杂的自然环境之中,受各种不确定性因素影响较大,路基沉降和遭受破坏等病害在所难免。 本论文通过查阅相关资料,经分析整理,对以下几方面做了总结归纳。通过分析对路基沉降影响最为严重的特殊性质土(湿陷性黄土、软土、冻土和膨胀土)和水产生病害的机理,制定路基加固和防排水措施;路基边坡不仅可以保证路基免受雨水风沙的破坏,而且还能美化环境,本文对目前应用比较成熟的边坡防护技术作了介绍;通过分析路桥过渡段的特殊结构,对目前常用的治理措施作了介绍;最后,就高速铁路路基检测维修重点做了简单介绍。 关键词:高速铁路 路基病害 路基检测维修 路基沉降 Abstract High speed railway as the symbol of the modernization of railway which features of high speed, stability, non-pollution, safe and comfortable, etc. and it is the main development direction of the railway at present in China. Subgrade as the foundation of the high speed railway, its solidarity and stability have direct affect on operation speed and safety of line. However ,because the subgrade is always exposed in complex natural environment ,affecting by varies uncertainty factors, it is suffered from embankment settle and destroyed by disease. This paper, by consulting relevant information and with reference with analysis, make a summary of follow aspects: according to the analysis the special properties soil(collapsible loess, soft soil, frozen and expansive soil ) and the mechanism of water disease which affected heavily. And take measures of subgrade reinforcement and the drainage; embankment slop is not only can prevent the subgrade from destruction of sand and water, but also can beautify the environment. In this paper ,there is an introduction about the popular slop protection technology and a analysis with the special structure of transition section of bridge .Finally, make a brief introduction about the main point of test and maintenance of high railway subgrade. Keywords: high-speed-railway subgrade diseas


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