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中国石油大学(华东)本科毕业设计 52 本科毕业设计 西商LY-8商业油库设计 本科毕业设计 摘要 油库是协调原油生产、原油加工、成品油供应及运输的纽带,是国家石油储备和供应的基地,它对于保障国防和促进国民经济高速发展具有相当重要的意义。 本次设计的油库隶属于YK-L1石油公司的分配型成品油油库。其主要任务是接收海路和铁路来油并向瞳赫市各下属油库及本市各加油站、企事业单位等供油。该油库位于X市东部,库区东面1公里处靠海,能够停靠3000吨的油轮,油库所经营的油品由铁路及水路运入,并通过铁路和公路销往本省各地。该油库南临铁路主干线,铁路编组站位于库区南偏东4公里处,西临国家公路主干线,公路南北走向。 该油库的经营油品种类主要有97#、93#车用汽油,0#、10#轻柴油,10#、20#、30#机械油 ,10#、6#汽油机油。 该油库本着最大限度的满足生产需要,缩短工艺管线和运输线路,减少占地面积,节约建库投资,保证安全操作,节省管理费用的原则设计。实际占地面积约为254m×261m。 整个油库被设计成了四个部分:储油区,装卸区,行政管理区,辅助生产区。轻油流程采用双管系统,粘油流程采用单管系统。 本设计包括总平面布置图设计,工艺流程图设计,泵房安装图设计,消防系统设计,文献翻译和两张草图和三张CAD图。设计过程中多次采用现场经验数据,并结合最新修订的油库设计规范,基本满足现代化商业油库的要求。 关键词:离心泵;储罐;饱和蒸汽压;标准流程 ABSTRACT The oil depot links the production of crude oil, crude oil processing , products supply and transportation ,It is the base of the state oil reserve ,it is very important to protect the national defense and to promote the development of national economy. The depot belongs to YKL1 petroleum company, is a distribution products oil depot. Its main tusk is subordinate to the city oil depots and petrol filling stations, enterprises, institutions and rural users. It is located at the east of city, 1 km at the east by the sea northwest of the main national railway line, south of trunk road. The oil bulk by railway and road. The depot to meet the needs when designing, try best to shorten the process pipeline and transport routes to reduce the cost. The actual area of approximately 254m×270m.The oil depot including four parts: the reservoir area, working area, administration area, operating area. The light oil using a dual-track system, the heavy oil using single –system. The design includes overall layout design, process design, installation of pumping station and fire system design. in all, it is a modern business depot. Keywords: centrifugal pump;depot;saturation vapor;standard process 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295484520" 第1章 前言 PAGEREF _Toc295484520 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc295484521" 1.1 序言 PAGEREF _Toc295484521 \h 3 HYPE


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