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Ⅰ.完形填空 The finest and most sought after violins were handcrafted by an Italian violin maker over 250 years ago.The man’s name was Antonius Stradivarius.He was born in 1644 and began his career 1 a violin maker’s apprentice(学徒).Working on his own by 1680,he became determined to make that could reproduce tones as rich as those produced by the human voice.He 3 several shapes and styles for his violins until he arrived at a design that pleased him.During his career he crafted about 1,100 violins.Those in 4 have become treasured possessions. Unfortunately,the secret of the Stradivarius violin died with its maker.During his lifetime Stradivarius kept his notes safely ,even his two sons,who helped him in his workshop,did not know all the steps involved in each violin’s construction. Through the years,many experts have offered explanations for the unique tone of a “Strad”.Some say it is due to the violin’s shape.Others suggest that the secret the special properties(特性)of the wood,which Stradivarius obtained from native Italian trees that no longer exist.The most widely accepted explanation is that it is created by the varnish(清漆)that the used to coat his violins.Chemists have analysed as closely as possible the varnish and have found its 9 has improved the sound of many violins. 10 ,no other violin maker has been able to fully reproduce the tone of the Stradivarius’s violins. 1.A.with          B.as C.for D.from 解析:选B。他的事业从当小提琴学徒开始。begin...as...从当……开始。 2.A.instruments B.facilities C.equipments D.tools 解析:选A。他决定制作乐器,让它们发出的声音像真人的声音一样。 3.A.investigated B.surveyed C.tested D.experimented 解析:选C。他为了找到适合的形状和样式,进行了很多试验。 4.A.fashion B.existence C.possession D.use 解析:选B。他的一生中制作了大约1100把小提琴,那些现存的已经是很宝贵的财富了。in existence存在,现存。 5.A.protected B.buried C.hidden D.covered 解析:选C。从下文可知,他对制作小提琴的工艺很保密,就连儿子也不知道,故选C项。 6.A.possible B.accurate C.detailed D.persuasive 解析:选A。从下文可知,专家们的看法都不一致,因此只是提出了一些“可能的”解释。 7.A.brings in B.takes in C.results in D.lies in 解析:选D。lie in


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