英语:必修2 Unit3 Computers知识点精讲(新人教版).docVIP

英语:必修2 Unit3 Computers知识点精讲(新人教版).doc

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必修2 Unit 3 Computers必修2 Unit 3 Computers重点单词 重点短语 重点句型 二、知识精讲 (一)重点单词 1. simplify v简化; 使易懂 This dictionary tries to simplify the meanings of words. 这本词典努力把词意简化。 He tried to simplify the story for the younger audience. 他尽力简化这个故事便于年轻读者理解。 知识拓展simple adj. 简单的; 朴素的 simply adv. 简单地;简明地 They live a simple and happy life. 他们过着简朴而幸福的生活。 The questions can be answered quite simply. 这些问题回答起来很容易。 2. solve vt解决,解答 Help me to solve my financial troubles. 请帮我解决经济困难I solved the word puzzle in three minutes 我用三分钟解出那个字。 知识拓展 There’s no easy solution to this problem. 没有解决这个问题的容易的方法。 即学即用: He was very bright and ______the crossword in ten minutes. A. solution B. solved C. settled D. ended 答案:B 3. total 1) n. 总数;总计 You got 47 points on the written examination and 18 on the oral, making a total of 65. 你笔试得了47分,口试得了18分,总分65分。 The repairs come to over $ 500 in total. 修理费总共500多美元。 2) adj. 总的,全部的完全的;彻底的 This brought the total number of accidents so far this year to 113. 这使得今年迄今为止发生事故的总数达到113起。 I can’t believe you’d tell a total stranger about it! 我不能相信你会把这事告诉一个完全不认识的人3) totally adv. 完全地;整个地 A totally blind man can see nothing. 完全瞎了的人什么也看不见。 I totally agree with you. 我完全同意你的看法。 即学即用: The serial killings , which resulted in ______of ten deaths , terrified millions of people living near the US capital. A. a number of B. a lot of C. a great deal of D. a total 答案:D 4. anyhow = anyway adv. 无论如何;即使如此 Of course I don’t mind taking you home, but I’m leaving anyway. 当然不介意带你回家,但是无论如何我得走了。 Her parents were opposed to her giving up her course, but she did it anyway. 她父母反对她放弃课程,但即使如此,她还是放弃了。 Anyhow I don’t believe it can be done无论如何我也不相信这事能办成。 即学即用: I can’t tell you the exact time I’ll get there, maybe at eight or nine or even later. ____, I’ll be there as early as I can. A. Anyhow B. However C. Thus D. Therefore 答案:A 5. signal 1) vt vi. 发信号; 用信号传达(某信息);打信号示意 The policeman signaled the children to cross the road. 警察向孩子们做手势,叫他们过马路。 He signaled the car to stop by raisin



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