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摘 要 在服装市场上,顾客消费的已经不是传统意义上的服装产品本身,而是“满 意”。本文针对当前国内服装企业普遍存在的过分重视产品而忽略顾客满意的现 状,结合服装行业的特点,选择女装市场为研究对象,采用“理论假设—市场 调查—结构方程模型分析”方法,研究了女装市场顾客满意实态及顾客满意的 影响因素,论证了服装消费系统中的产品子系统与服务子系统之间的关系,并 提出对服装企业的指导性意见。 根据“消费系统顾客满意模型”提出假设:女装市场上消费者对服务子系 统的满意及对产品各指标的满意会影响其对产品子系统的满意。通过与企业员 工及顾客访谈,并参考相关理论研究,提出影响顾客满意的因子,以此作为测 量指标做试调查。通过对试调查数据的因子分析,对女装市场满意指标重新设 定,进行第二次调查实际测量女装市场满意状况。利用结构方程模型,分析产 品子系统、服务子系统各自对于顾客满意的影响,揭示产品子系统和服务子系 统之间的关系,论证了理论假设。 服装生产企业应当注重研究消费者对服装的需求,不断推出新产品,满足 新需求。企业在设计产品时应当考虑各款式之间的易搭配性,努力提高服装的 合体性。服装经销商应为顾客提供完善优质的售前、售中和售后服务,并将消 费者反馈信息及时传递给生产企业。 ABSTRACT In the fashion market, what customers really consume are "satisfaction" rather than fashion products. Noticed the common phenomenon that most domestic fashion enterprises played more attention on products rather than customer satisfaction, women's wear market has been chosen as the research object. The actual customer satisfaction and factors influencing customer satisfaction have been analyzed through the method of market research and structural equation model. The relationship between product subsystem and service subsystem is investigated within the fashion consumption system. Recommendations are made regarding customer satisfaction improvement. Based on the consumption system customer satisfaction model, the hypothesis of this paper is that consumer’s satisfaction with both service subsystem and product indexes will influence their satisfaction with product subsystem in the women's wear market. Factors influencing customer satisfaction are proposed on the basis of employees interviewing, customer interviewing, and theories pertinent to customer satisfaction. A test survey was done for the purpose of adjusting customer satisfaction index in the women's wear market, and



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