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论 文 摘 要 学生是教育活动的主体。语言学习的成功与否,基本上取决于学习者本人是 否进行了自主有效的学习。2003 年,我国教育部颁布的《初中英语课程标准》 规定,基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学 生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习和合 作精神。但在教学过程中,笔者发现英语教学经常因学生缺乏主动性和积极性而 无法取得理想的教学效果,英语成绩两极分化非常严重。分析这些现象后,笔者 认为,导致众多学生学习英语失败的原因在很大程度上并不是智力问题,而是学 习不得法,即英语学习策略问题。由于英语学习策略的缺失,学生习惯上依赖教 师的讲解和自己的死记硬背,基本上不会运用英语学习策略来促进学习,导致学 习效果不理想,学习兴趣日益减弱。这对学生长期、终生的学习与发展不利。笔 者认为:要从根本上改变这种状况,就必须培养学生运用英语学习策略的能力, 使学生善于学习。 笔者想通过本次研究,对国内外学习策略的理论与实践研究追本溯源,扩展 思路,并且通过教育实验,来验证培养初中学生学习策略在英语教学活动中的重 要性。希望能引起广大教师同仁们对学习策略的关注,并在教学中有意识地渗透 学习策略的培养,让学生由“被动学习”型转为“自主发展”型、由“接受学习” 型转为“探究发现”型、由“个体学习”型转为“合作学习”型。 关键词:元认知 英语学习策略 初中生 v Abstract Students are the main force of educational activities. Generally speaking, the success of language learning depends on whether the learner has undertaken the active and effective study. The 2003 “Junior High School Curriculum Criterion” put forward by the Chinese Ministry of Education fixes the task of English course in the secondary education phase, which includes stimulating and cultivating students’ interest in learning English, helping students establish their self-confidence, encouraging them to form satisfactory learning habit and develop autonomous learning and co-operation spirit. But in the course of teaching, I find the teaching effect not ideal because students lack initiative which leads to the polarization of students’ performance. After analyzing this, I also find that the factor that results in students’ failure of English learning is not the problem of IQ, but the problem of learning method, which is also called the problem of English learning strategy. And this is harmful to students’ long-term learning and


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