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本科毕业论文 (20_ _届) 宁波企业信息化人才需求分析——基于60家企业调研 摘 要 信息化高速发展的今天,信息技术行业是中国可以赶超美国的行业之一。而信息化人才是企业实行信息化的中坚力量,起到中流砥柱的作用,无疑信息化人才能力的高低对一个企业的发展尤为重要。近年来,企业为提高竞争力纷纷引入信息化人才,由此信息化人才的需求与日俱增。宁波作为我国大中小企业汇集的城市,信息化水平较高。因此宁波企业信息化人才的需求状况的研究对当前高校制定信息化人才培养方案具有十分重要的参考意义。 本文设计了调查问卷,采用分层抽样的方式对有代表性的企业进行调查,从企业的规模、行业性质、企业效益、企业当前信息化水平、企业对信息化人才的重视程度等方面对信息化人才素质进行分析。并针对当前信息化人才的结构不合理、综合素质不高、动手能力差、适应能力不强等问题,对高校今后在信息化人才培养方面,提出开展特设教育、增加社会实践次数、加大实践审查认证的力度、与企业建立良好的关系采用联合培养的方式等建议。 关键词:;;; Abstract As rapid development of information, there is no doubt that information technology industry is one of the industries that Chinese people can catch and exceed America. Thus, we say information is very important. In recent years, in order to improve their competitiveness, a majority of enterprises bring in enormous number of IT talents. There is an increasing demand of IT talent. Ningbo, as a faster developing city, the demand of IT talent of Ningbo enterprises is of great important to the research. The author designed a sampling questionnaire according to the current situation on the demand for IT talents. This survey picked out a few representative enterprises to analyze the results. According to the scale, the efficiency, the current level of information of an enterprise and the capacity requirements find out the existing problems such as the irrational structure and comprehensive quality is beyond satisfaction in the cultivation of personnel in university education. At last, the author put forward primary suggestions about cultivation of IT talent like carry out special education increase the frequency of social practice, establish good relations with the joint enterprises and so on. Keywords: IT Talent; the IT Talent Training of University; Social Survey; Training Proposal 目 录 1 企业信息化人才概述 1 1.1 企业信息化概念 1 1.2 信息化人才 2 1.3 企业信息化人才应具备的能力 2 2 4 2.1国外企业信息化人才供需状况 4 2.2我国企业信息化人才供需状况 4 3 6 3.1宁波市信息化的现状 6 3.1.1宁波信息化总体水平 6 3.1.2宁波企业信息化现状 6 3.1.3宁波企业信息化人才状况 7 3.2调查过程说明 8 3.3 企业信息化人才状况调查统计与分析 8 3.3.1企业信息化状况分析 8 3.3.2企业信息化人



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