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高考英语词汇 复习思考 杨 琦 思想上要有: 培养词汇学习能力 养成词汇记忆习惯 扩大词汇运用空间 词汇学习能力 1 正确读出 2 正确拼写 3 词义理解 4 词义判断 思想上要有: 培养词汇学习能力 养成词汇记忆习惯 扩大词汇运用空间 词汇记忆习惯 1 阅读法 2 听写法 3 构词法 4 扩词法 1 As the guard was shot dead, he ran for his life. 2 He ran for the presidency. 3 Your nose is running. 4 Would you mind running your eyes over this report? 使失望 disappoint 使老师失望 disappoint the teacher 73. It is___________(危险的) for children under five years old to be left alone at home. (我查了扫描版,是我下载的试卷错误,请老师们原谅。杨琦) 1 The news put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. 2 The essay put it very well when it described Beijing as ancient yet modern. 3 Are you afraid to put questions publicly? 词汇记忆习惯 1 阅读法 2 听写法 3 构词法 4 扩词法 5 归类法 思想上要有: 培养词汇学习能力 养成词汇记忆习惯 扩大词汇运用空间 词汇运用空间 读 听 说 写 思想上要有: 培养词汇学习能力 养成词汇记忆习惯 扩大词汇运用空间 高考词汇复习 词汇表 词汇量 Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to ___ a good researcher A. make B. turn C. get D. grow —Why didn’t you buy the camera you had longed for? —I had planned to. But I was£50 ___. A. fewer B. less C. cheap D. short 词汇复习的结果 1 对词汇学习感兴趣 2 能够听得懂读得懂 3 善于在语境中猜词 4 能够写出想写的话 5 有持续学习的动力 * * 2010-7-20 福建师大附中 八级 语言知识目标 词汇 1 运用词汇理解和表达的不同功能、意图和态度; 2 在比较复杂的情况下,运用词汇给事物命名、进行指称、描述行为和特征、说明概念等; 3 学会使用3300个左右的单词和400-500个习惯用语或固定搭配。 breast doubt receive height swansong He is a bit on the slow side. Our 2010 sales are on the slow side. dangerous set down a series of facts be concerned about his safety make her diary her best friend former South African president the equal rights of the black people a man of great expectations 输入性词汇 输出性词汇 够量或超量 不缺乏 很缺乏 较缺乏 Due to the limited number of places and our excellent reputation. students should apply early. Preference is given to children of past students. , Adam’s apple If you keep on, you will succeed _______. A. in time B. at one time C. on time D. at the same time *


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