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河北省地方政府公共服务供给现状、问题及对策研究   内 容 摘 要    在全球性地方政府改革的背景下,随着我国经济的不断发展,地方公共需求不断发 展和变化,对地方政府的公共服务供给也提出新的要求。针对河北省地方政府公共服务 供给的现状与问题,研究如何提升河北省地方政府公共服务供给水平显得尤为重要和迫 切。  本文主要采用了文献研究法和数据统计分析法,首先梳理了地方政府公共服务供给 相关概念及理论,对国内外相关研究进行回顾,为论文提供了理论支撑;然后以河北省 11 个地级市为研究对象,通过建立地方政府公共服务供给指标体系,运用数据统计方法 对河北省 11 个地级市公共服务供给的具体情况进行分析;随后就河北省地方政府公共 服务供给存在的问题从决策机制、竞争机制以及监管机制等角度进行了成因分析;最后, 借鉴公共物品的连续体理论、多中心治理等理论的基本观点,对如何提升河北省地方政 府公共服务供给水平提出了相应的对策。  本文研究发现:河北省地方政府在公共服务供给方面存在各地区供给总量较低,地 区间供给水平差异较大,公共服务供给不平衡等问题;认为造成河北省各地区公共服务 供给水平不高根本原因是供给决策难以有效反映公民需求,公共服务市场竞争机制不完 善以及缺乏必要的监督机制;论文构建了以公共服务供给的体制机制为核心分析的框 架,理顺了地方政府公共服务供给决策的流程,从经济治理结构的角度论证了河北省私 营部门以及第三部门参与公共服务供给的可行性,探讨了加强对河北省地方政府公共服 务供给监督的途径。          关键词:地方政府;公共服务;供给;研究  I 河北经贸大学硕士学位论文   Abstract  Under the background of global local government innovation, new requirements are brought forward on the local government's public services supply with the developing of our country and local public service demand. Basing on the status quo of the public services supply in Hebei local government, how to promote the public services supply of local government seems to be particularly important and urgent. Literature research and data statistical analysis are implicated in the study. The paper expounds the concepts and theories of local supply of public services and reviews relevant research home and abroad, in order to provide a theoretical support for the thesis. Taking 11 prefectural- level cities in Hebei Province as the research object, the research then establishes the local public service supply indes system to analyze the specific circumstances of public services supply .Reason analysis on the problems of local government public services supply carries out followed, from the aspects of decision-making mechanism, competition mechanism and supervision mechanism in Hebei province. Finally, some corresponding countermeasures are put forward on how to enhance the level of local supply of public services in Hebei Province basing on the continuum of public goods theory a


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