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买文档后送图纸,QQ 194535455 内容摘要 1 关键词 1 Abstract 1 Key words 1 1 输油泵概述 2 1.1研究的目的及意义 2 1.2国内外的发展及研究现状 2 1.3柴油机输油泵的正确使用和维护 3 2 零件的分析 4 2.1零件的作用 4 2.2零件的工艺分析 5 3.工艺规程设计 5 3.1确定毛坯种类 6 3.2确定铸件加工余量及形状 6 3.3选择定位基准 7 3.5选择加工设备及夹具 14 3.6选择刀具及量具 15 4.加工工序设计 17 4.1工序10、工序15车床加工 17 4.2钻14.3孔,8孔,锪槽深18.5 18 4.3工序45镗孔22 19 4.4时间定额计算,计算工序30的时间定额 19 总结 27 参考文献 28 致 谢 29 内容摘要:输油泵的作用是保证柴油在低压油路内循环,并供应足够数量及一定压力的燃油给喷油泵,其输油量应为全负荷最大喷油量的3-4倍。输油泵分齿轮式输油泵,膜片式输油泵,柱塞式输油泵,管道式输油泵等等。 在生产过程中,使生产对象(原材料,毛坯,零件或总成等)的质和量的状态发生直接变化的过程叫工艺过程,如毛坯制造,机械加工,热处理,装配等都称之为工艺过程。在制定工艺过程中,要确定各工序的安装工位和该工序需要的工步,加工该工序的机床及机床的进给量,切削深度,主轴转速和切削速度,该工序的夹具,刀具及量具,还有走刀次数和走刀长度,最后计算该工序的基本时间,辅助和工作地服务时间。 关键词:输油泵 工艺规程 夹具 Abstract: The role is to ensure that the diesel oil pump in low pressure oil circulate, and the supply of sufficient quantity and pressure of fuel to the fuel pump, the oil should be full load of fuel injection quantity is3-4 times. Oil pump into gear type oil transfer pump, diaphragm pump, piston pump, pipeline pump etc. In the production process, enable producing the target ( raw materials, the blank, part becomealways ) state of quality and quantity issued direct changes in the process is called process, such as blank manufacturing, machining, heat treatment, assembly, have called the process. In the course of the development process, to identify the processes of the installation process and the need for further process, process the process of machine tools and machine tool feed rate , cutting depth, cutting speed and spindle speed, the process of the fixture, and cutting tools measuring, and cutting the number and length of the knife away, the final calculation of the basic processes of time, auxiliary time and work business hours. Key words:oil pump process specification fixture 1 输油泵概述 1.1研究的目的及意义 柱塞式输油泵是靠柱塞在柱塞腔内的往复运动,改变柱塞腔容积实现吸油和排油的,是容积式液压泵的一种。柱塞式输油泵由于其主要零件柱塞和缸体均为圆柱形,加工方便配合精度高,密封性能好,工作压力高而得到广泛的应用。 柱塞式输油泵种类繁多,前者柱塞平行于缸体轴线,沿轴向按柱塞运动形式可分为轴向柱塞式和径向柱塞式两大类运动,后者柱塞垂直于配油轴,沿径向运动。这两类泵既可作为液压泵用,也可作为液压马达用。 柱塞式输油泵的显著特点是结构比较复杂,


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