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39 20 11, Vol. 39, 2 温度对AZ31B镁合金表面化学镀 N iB合金性能的影响 1, 2 1 1 1 2 陈艳芳 , 陈春梅 , 介亚菲 , 孟 龙, 熊 毅 ( 1. , 471003; 2. , 471003) : AZ31B N iB : N i B , 80 , , , : ; N i B; : TG146. 22; TG 17444 : A : 1007- 7235( 2011) 02- 0039- 03 Temperature effect on properties of N iB electroless plated magnesium alloy 1, 2 1 1 1 2 CHEN Y nf ng , CHEN Chunm ei, JIE Y fei, MENG Long , X IONG Y i ( 1. School ofm ateria ls, Henan University of Science Techno logy, Luoyang 71003, China; 2. Henan Key Laboratory of NonferrousM etalM aterials Science and Processing Technology , Luoyang 71003, China ) Abstract: The effect of pl ting b th temper ture on properties of N iB chem ic l p l ted m gnesium lloy h s been investig ted. The investig tion resu lts show th t the co ting veloc ity, composition, ppe r nce nd corrosion resist nce re influenced by the b th tem per ture gre tly; the co ting velocity is h igh, the co ting l yer is un iform, comp ct nd w ith excellent corrosion resist nce when the b th temper ture is 80 . Key words: m gnesium lloy; N iB lloy chem ic l pl ting; temper ture , N iB , N iB , , , [ 1] , , 1 , 1. 1 , AZ31B, 1, , 30 mm ! 15 mm ! 1mm [ 2] 1 AZ31B () % , N iB C A l Zn M n Fe N i Sn M g


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