★GMATamp;LSAT 逻辑大全【仿真界面版】.pdf

★GMATamp;LSAT 逻辑大全【仿真界面版】.pdf

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GMAT Critical Reasoning GMAT 逻辑大全 PREP 高真实界面版 By Wudiyeah 仅供ChaseDream 论坛内部交流学习使用 用说明 1、 内容为Gemj 版的 GMATLSAT CR 大全,WORD 版保留原版的隐藏答案模 使 式 ,使用方法同原版: 隐藏答案在每题的 D 选项之后,显示的方法是鼠标左键单击 “常用”工具栏 “显示/隐藏编辑标记”按钮 (只 有 WORD 才有此按钮 ,PDF 版没有)。再次单击又被隐藏。见下图 : 2、与原版不同,该版本做题时请将视图放大至满屏,以适应实战满屏的界面。考虑到篇幅的问题,并没 有做成如 PREP 每页一题的形式。为了尽可能与 PREP 的显示方式吻合,题目和选项的格式采用双轨 制,即题目的行距比选项之间的距离更紧凑。(排版的工作要人命啊… ) 3、题目和答案均采用原版。 GMAT TEST A Time 30 minutes 20 Questions 1. Mr. Janeck: I don’t believe Stevenson will win the election for governor. Few voters are willing to elect a businessman with no political experience to such a responsible public office. Ms. Siuzdak: You’re wrong. The experience of running a major corporation is a valuable preparation for the task of running a state government. M. Siuzdak’s response shows that she has interpreted Mr. Janeck’s remark to imply which of the following? (A) Mr. Janeck considers Stevenson unqualified for the office of governor. (B) No candidate without political experience has ever been elected governor of a state. (C) Mr. Janeck believes that political leadership and business leadership are closely analogous. (D) A career spent in the pursuit of profit can be an impediment to one’s ability to run a state government fairly. (E) Voters generally overestimate the value of political experience when selecting a candidate. 2. Which of the following best completes the passage below? One tax-reform proposal that has gained increasing support in recent years is the flat tax, which would imp


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