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摘 要 随着我国经济的发展,奶制品、食用油、饮料等行业对产品运输的要求越来越大,大型液罐车的需求量日益增加,特别是保温型液罐车。 本文以罐体为设计重点,介绍牛奶罐车主要结构和专用设备的设计及工作原理。在整个设计过程中将参考其他液罐汽车罐体截面的基本形状,选择简单、误差小的“四段圆弧拟合椭圆”方法设计罐体的截面。为了保证像奶制品、饮料等液体的口味,需要低温运输,参照隔热保温车的隔热保温原理,设计有隔热保温层。隔热保温结构是将罐体设计成双层罐,并在两层罐体之间填充隔热材料,防止外界的温度对罐内液体温度的影响。为确保在冬季远距离运输时牛奶温度不会下降,在此次设计中采用了加热器。并对整车动力性、燃油经济性进行了计算 关键词:罐式汽车;奶罐车;罐体;隔热层;保温 ABSTRACT With Chinas economic development, dairy products, edible oil, beverage, and other industries to transport products of growing demand, Large liquid tank semi-trailer of increasing demand, especially by tractor-semitrailer tanker. Based tank for the design focus,Liquid food tanker on the main structure, and special equipment to the design and working principle. Throughout the design process will make reference to other tank car tank sections of the basic shape, Choose simple, small error recording elliptical arc fitting designed tank section. And taking into account some of edible oil in winter when handling difficulties, In the inner tank wall surrounding the tank design of the heating pipes. To ensure that as dairy products, beverages and other liquid tastes, needs cold,Insulation light trucks thermal insulation theory, the design of thermal insulation layer.Thermal insulation to the tank structure is designed as a double LP, And in between the two tanks filled with insulation material, Prevent the outside temperature on relations within the liquid temperature. Finally, according to the entire tank assembly and the quality of the semi-trailer chassis , axle linked to a distribution,and vehicle performance, fuel economy for the calculation. Key words: Tank car;Liquid food cans;Tank;Insulation layer;Insulation 第1章 绪 论 1.1 概述 奶罐车是一种保温型食品液罐汽车,是专用罐车的一种,其使用方便,节约运输成本,运输效率高,使用奶罐车还可以节约运输包装成本;保证牛奶在运输中的食品质量。本文讲述了保温型食品罐车的改装设计的过程和计算。在设计中将主要以罐体的设计为主,其中还包括二类底盘的选配和整车的的性能分析计算。本文将参考其它罐式车辆罐体的结构和有关罐体的设计资料,设计一种用于运输液态食品的专用汽车。在罐体的截面的选择、人孔的设计、封头的设计等的设计中采用和其它罐车相同的结构。但在罐体截面设计中,会用到制造工艺简单,计算方便,误差小的“四段圆弧拟合椭圆”的方法。考虑到该罐车在气温高时,避免外界温度对牛奶质量的影响。在罐体外设计一层隔热


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