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32 6 Vo l. 32 No . 6 20 10 12 PIEZO EL ECT RI CS ACO U ST OO PT ICS Dec. 2010 :( 2010) 0609390 3 王辉林, 陈志敏, 马瑞亭, 蔡开云 ( , 255049) : U SB , , , , , : ; ; ; : T P27 3 : A Research on Control Methods of the Laser Beam Deflection Based on Acoustooptic Effect WANG Huilin, CHEN Zhimin, MA Ruiting, CA Kaiyun ( Col leg e of M echan cal S handong U n vers t y of T echnology , Z b o 255049, C h na) Abstract: T he system chart of t he acou stoo pt c eff ect based on U SB bu s w as g ven, and the pr nc ple o f the a cou stoo pt c deflect on and modulat on w as ntr oduced . T he d rect on of the laser w as contr olled by chang ng the ul tr ason c frequency. Acou st co pt c deflect o n w as measured under acou stoopt c Br agg d ffract o n eff c ency to calcu late ultr aso n c speed. Ex per ment show ed co nt rol t he d rect o n of laser co uld be contr olled by chang ng ultr ason c frequency . T he acou stoo pt c dev ces made by aco ustoopt c eff ect had a broad for egr ound n appl cat o ns . Key words:aco ustoopt c eff ect ; Br agg d ffract on ; ultr ason c speed; def lect on angle , , , , , ; , 1 U SB , 1. 2 y , S , S , kS ; 1 系统原理 x , , 1. 1 , k , , 105 , 2 ; U SB , L , b , ! , U SB , 12 A/ D , CCD


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