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Liaoning Normal University (2009届) 本科生毕业论文(设计) 过 程 材 料 题 目:论翻译语境对译者的影响 学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 英语(国际贸易) 班级序号: 2班16号 学 号: 20051115040020 学生姓名: 巴旦 指导教师: 陈吉荣 2009年6月Hatim, B.I.Mason. Discourse and The Translator. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. Nida, E. Language and Culture-Context in Translating. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. Shaw, R. Daniel. The Translation Context: Culture Factors in Translation. Babel, 1987(23):p.25-29. 曹阳论语境和翻译. 西南民族大学学报,2004): 456-457. 彭利元 语境·对话·翻译外语与外语教学,2005):47-51. 指导教师签字: 年 月 日 学院教学指导委员会意见: 签字: 年 月 日 辽宁师范大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述 题 目 词语英译与语言语境 综述完成时间 2013年2月日 查 阅 的 主 要 文 献 FirthApproaches to Translation [M], Prentice Hall, 1981. Nida, E. Language and Culture-Context in Translating. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. Shaw, R. Daniel. The Translation Context: Culture Factors in Translation. Babel, 1987(23):p.25-29. 陈宏薇. 新编汉英翻译教程, 2004: 82-92 曹阳论语境和翻译. 西南民族大学学报,2004): 456-457. 胡壮麟. 语境研究多元化. 外语教学与研究, 2001 彭利元语境与翻译关系新探. 外语教学,2003): 59-62. 文 献 综 述 Translation is one of the most important activities to make the foreigners know more about other countries, the translators have to interpret one language form into another language form. The complexity of translation, one of the most complex things in human history, lies in the multitude of and the delicate relationship among its relevant factors. This special intercourse process is done by the original writers and the translators, and it is the exchange between two different languages, so translation is never innocent. There is always a context in which translation takes place, always a history from which a text emerges and into which a text is transposed. Without context, there will be no better understanding of the original language and no out put of the target language. Context is much more significant to a translator if he w



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