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第2卷 第5期 红河学院学报 Vol. 2 No. 5 2004年10月 Journal of Honghe University Oct. 2004 REFORM ON COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST’S SPOKEN ENGLISH TEST‘ GUO Jin一yong (Honghe University, Mengzi 661100, China) Abstract : Since spoken English has been regarded as one of the very important factors related toem- ployment, promotion, profession and academy, it has been paid great attention娜people of various fields. The command of good spoken English is a must for many young people today. Thousands of stu- dents and English learners are eager to get a certificate that may testify their spoken abilities.This article focus on possible reforms on spoken or oral English test for massive college students and other English learners, and put forward some proposals for the reform of Spoken English Test (SET). Key wo川S: spoken English test; reform; proposal 中图分类号:6424.72文献标识码:A文章编号:1008一9128(2004)05一0086一04 工 玩troduction (The Cambri妙 Career Awards in Office Administration) all Spoken English Test (SET) for massive college students is nm场American and British testing services, and PETS (Puh- still a problem unsolved though many experts like Yang lie English Test勿~),developed场NEEA (National Edu- cation Examinations Authority),CET一SET (College English Huizhong, Yang Qingwu and Wen场ufang have introduced many approaches. CET一SET (College English Test一Spoken Tests Spoken English Test)勿NCETC (National College En- English Test) designed and controlled场NCETC(National gush Testing Committee),EPT(English Proficiency Test), College English Test C


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