【高考复习】2016届人教新课标,全国卷地区专用英语一轮复习课件—必修5 Unit 1Great scientists.ppt

【高考复习】2016届人教新课标,全国卷地区专用英语一轮复习课件—必修5 Unit 1Great scientists.ppt

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【温馨提示】 announce后不能跟双宾语结构,如果要表达“向某人宣布某事”应该这样表达:announce sth to sb,不能用announce sb sth。除了announce外,类似的词还有say, explain, mention等。 返回目录 Unit 1 Great scientists 考点互动探究 【活学活用】 (1)[2012?湖北卷?阅读E] The alarm clock announces the start of another busy weekday in the morning. 清晨的闹钟宣告了另一个忙碌的工作日的开始。 (2)The date of the examination __________________to all schools later in the year. 今年晚些时候将向所有学校宣布考试日期。 (3)Mary announced ________her parents that she was going to run for monitor. 玛丽向她父母亲宣布她准备竞选班长。 返回目录 Unit 1 Great scientists will be announced to 考点互动探究 (4)____________________________formally that the Lakers has signed with Ronnie Aguila as a post player, who plays for the Development League now. 湖人队已正式宣布签约了一名叫作罗尼?阿圭拉的内线中锋,他目前效力于发展联盟。 返回目录 Unit 1 Great scientists It has been announced 考点互动探究 7 contribute vi.贡献;(to submit for publication)投稿;捐献/助,有助于 (1)contribute…to…向……捐献(投稿) contribute to… 促成;起作用;有助于 (2)contribution n. 贡献;捐赠 make a contribution to 为……做出贡献 返回目录 Unit 1 Great scientists 考点互动探究 返回目录 Unit 1 Great scientists 考 点 探 析 【语境助记】 Many people contributed money to the poor girl, which contributed to her returning to school. A teacher wrote a story about it and contributed it to a newspaper. 许多人给这位家境贫寒的女孩捐款,这使她重新回到校园。一位老师写了一篇关于此事的文章,并把它投到了报社。 考点互动探究 【活学活用】 (1)[2013?山东卷?阅读D] Pearson also made other decisions which he believed would contribute to the new Sparrow image. 皮尔逊也做了其他决定,他深信这会对Sparrow新的品牌形象有利。 (2)They say they would like to ____________________ charity, but money is tight this year. 他们说他们很想捐献更多的钱支持慈善事业,但是今年的钱非常紧张。 返回目录 Unit 1 Great scientists contribute more to 考点互动探究 (3)I was asked ________________a newspaper article making predictions for the new year. 我受邀为报纸撰写一篇文章,对新的一年进行预测。 (4)Honesty and hard work are good virtues, __________________________success and happiness. 诚实和苦干是美德,有助于成功和幸福。 返回目录 Unit 1 Great scientists to contribute to which contribute to 考点互动探究 ◇ 短语储存 ◇ 1 put forward 提出;提前;把表拨快 put off 推迟 put on 穿上;上演 pu



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