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GD&T Introduction 几何尺寸和公差 What is GD&T? GD&T is an international language that is used on engineering drawings to accurately describe a part. GD&T 是用来在图纸上精确描述零件的国际语言。 GD&T is a precise mathematical language that can be used to describe the size, form, orientation and location of part features. GD&T 是精确的数学语言,用来描述零件形体的尺寸、形状、方向和 位置。 GD&T is a design philosophy (functional dimensioning) on how to design and dimension parts. GD&T 是关于设计和标注零件的一种设计原理。(基于功能的尺寸标 注) What is GD&T? GD&T is a method for precisely defining the geometry of mechanical parts. It introduces tools which allow mechanical designers, fabricators, and inspectors to effectively communicate complex geometrical descriptions which are not otherwise able to be described in a defined language. GD&T 是精确定义机械部件几何特性的方法。其为机械设计人员、生产 人员、检验人员提供了有效沟通复杂几何特性的途径,这是现有的其 他语言不能做到的。 dimension: a numerical value(s) or mathematical expression in appropriate units of measure used to define the form, size, orientation or location, of a part or feature. 尺寸:用适当的测量单位来描述零件或形体形状、尺寸、方向或位置 的数值或数学表达。 tolerance: the total amount that features of the part are permitted to vary from the specified dimension. The tolerances is the difference between the maximum and the minimum limits. 公差:零件的形体允许超出规定尺寸的量。公差处于最大和最小值之间。 History and Background 历史背景 A French mathematician, philosopher and scientist developed Cartesian Coordinate System. “Never accept anything for true which you do not clearly know to be such.” This idea may have been the starting point for the development of modern science. That idea of examining everything in relation to what should be “exact and perfect” led to Descartes’ development of the Cartesian Coordinate System – a coordinate plane to make it easier to describe the position of objects. Rene Descartes 1596 - 1650 History and Backgrou



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