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管理艺术大师 The master of the art 彼得•德鲁克 是世界上最具影响力的管理学大 Peter Drucker, is the world's most influential 师。他帮助定义了管理的概念,界定了经理的任 management guru. Probably more than anyone else, 务和责任。在这方面,或许无出其右者。 he has helped to define management and the tasks and responsibilities of the manager. 1909 年,德鲁克生于维也纳。在德国大学毕业后, Drucker was born in Vienna in 1909. After attending 他成为一名财经记者。希特勒上台不久,他便离 university in Germany he worked as a financial 开德国来到伦敦,投身商业银行。1937 年,他移 journalist. He left Germany following the rise of Hitler 居美国。1941 年起,他先后任教于本宁顿学院和 and moved to London, where he was a merchant 纽约大学。目前,他已退休,住在加州。德鲁克 banker. In 1937 he moved to the US. In 1941 he took 出版过35 本书,并为报刊杂志撰写过大量文章。 up a teaching post at Bennington College and later moved to New York University. Now retired, he lives in California. He has written 35 books and many articles for newspapers and journals. 德鲁克兴趣广泛。20 世纪 30、40 年代,他就资 Drucker's interests have ranged broadly. In the 1930s 本主义社会写过一系列颇有见地的专著,其中包 and 1940s he wrote a series of thoughtful books on 括对通用汽车管理模式的一项重要研究。从 50 capitalist society, including an important study of the 年代到 70 年代,他出版的管理学系列丛书,被 management of General Motors. From the 1950s to 不少人视为经典之作。70 年代末开始,他更加关 the 1970s he wrote a series of books on management, 注科技和社会变革对管理和工商活动的影响。 which are arguably his classic works. Since the late 1970s he has been more intere


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