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He was born in Sinope 斯诺普, an Ionian爱奥尼亚colony殖民地 on the Black Sea, in 412 BC or 404 BC and died at Corinth科林斯 in 323 BC. A Greek philosopher One of the founders of Cynic philosophy 第欧根尼是古希腊哲学中犬儒学派的倡导者。传说他接受哲学家安提西尼创立的禁欲主义,立志苦行。平时他蓄须赤足,披麻素食,睡洞穴。认为人同虫兽,可去除一切欲念。时人讥讽他们象“犬”一样生活,故称“犬儒”。其实质乃是在被剥夺了自由民权利的古代城帮贫民中一种对希腊大奴隶主的骄淫生活的消极反抗。 传说第欧根尼曾在白天打着灯笼寻找诚实的人。这也和佛教中提倡的修身苦行相类似,把世上一切享受视作身外之物,可以蔑视。这在古代一度被某些人视为高尚的美德。 Diogenes------in Sinope Nothing is known about his early life except that his father Hicesias was a banker. It seems likely that Diogenes was also enrolled into the banking business aiding his father. At some point (the exact date is unknown) Diogenes and Hercules became embroiled卷入 in a scandal involving the adulteration or defacement of the currency货币掺假或污损, and Diogenes was kicked out of the city. Diogenes------in Athens After being exiled, he moved to Athens to debunk拆穿 cultural conventions. Diogenes modeled himself on the example of Hercules. He believed that virtue was better revealed in action than in theory. He used his lifestyle and behavior to criticize the social values and institutions of what he saw as a corrupt society. He declared himself a cosmopolitan四海为家者,世界主义者. 安提斯泰是 苏格拉底的弟子,约长于 柏拉图二十岁。他是一个非常引人注意的人物,在某些方面有似于 托尔斯泰。直到苏格拉底死后,他还生活在苏格拉底贵族弟子们的圈子里,并没有表现出任何非正统的征象来。 但是有某种东西——也许是雅典的失败,也许是 苏格拉底之死,也许是对哲学诡辩的厌恶——使得他在已经不再年青的时候,鄙弃他从前所重视的东西。除了纯朴的善良而外,他不愿意要任何东西。 他结交工人,并且穿得和工人一样。他进行露天讲演,他所用的方式是没有受过教育的人也都能理解的。 一切精致的哲学,他都认为毫无价值;凡是一个人所能知道的,普通的人也都能知道。他信仰“返于自然”,并把这种信仰贯彻得非常彻底。他主张不要政府,不要私有财产,不要婚姻,不要确定的宗教。他并不是一个严格的苦行主义者,但是他鄙弃奢侈与一切人为的对感官快乐的追求。他说“我宁可疯狂也不愿意欢乐”。 Diogenes------in Corinth According to a story, After being captured by pirates and sold into slavery, Diogenes eventually settled in Corinth. There he passed his philosophy of Cynicism to Crates克拉底, who taught it to Zeno季诺, who fashioned it into the school of Stoicism斯多亚学派, one of the most enduring schools of Greek philosophy. Diogenes -----in Corinth Diogenes made a virtue of poverty. He begg


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