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摘 要 城市公园绿地融生态、防护、休闲、景观于一体,是城市绿地系统中的重要组成 部分,作为公园绿地中最主要的物质要素——植物便显得至关重要,植物形成的景观 和所起的作用已成为现代城市绿地建设的焦点。随着城市建设步伐的加快,城市环境 质量的日益下降,传统的植物造景已不能适应公园绿地建设的需求。呼和浩特市的城 市发展在不断加快的过程中,市民在选择休闲游览绿地时也会把公园内绿化景观的优 劣作为评判的一个主要方面。 本文以植物学、景观生态学、美学等相关理论为基础,通过对呼和浩特市青城公 园和满都海公园两个综合公园为对象进行实地调查。按照功能性要求将两个综合公园 分别进行分区,在各功能分区内分别选取三个选取子样方,调查样方内植物的种类、 数量、冠幅、高度、胸径,计算植物频度、树木的重要值、乔灌草比值等数值,选择 位于功能分区景观节点处且乔灌草比值合理的样地作为植物配置的分析对象。 在研究植物配置时,采用植物配置的基本原则和美学原理作为分析依据,结合乡 土植物的应用情况,分析出每块样地内植物群落的配置结构。总结出符合呼和浩特市 综合公园不同功能分区要求的植物配置模式,为今后呼和浩特市综合公园绿地植物结 构及植物配置设计提供参考和实际操作的依据。 关键词:综合公园;园林植物;植物配置;配置模式研究 Research on Plant Configuration and Types in Integrated Park of Hohhot Abstract Consisted of eco system,scenery and functions of protection and leisure,green field in urban parks is an essential component of urban green field system.As the most important part in park green field,vegetation plays a significant role.Functionality and scenery of vegetation has been the focus of modern urban green field construction.Well utilized plants bring variety to the garden in terms of not only the space,but also the time.With the rapid growth of urban landscaping,urban environment deteriorates gradually.Therefore, traditional botanical scenery could no longer meet the requirement of the construction of park green field.In the course of the increasingly growing urban development of Hohhot city,the quality of botanical garden in parks became critical when the residents regard green field as their leisure time destination. Guided by the theories of botany,eco-landscaping,and aesthetics,this paper investigated the green fields of Hohhot Qingcheng Park and Manduhai Park.The two parks were categorized into different sections according to


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