this is our house - habits of mind.docVIP

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this is our house - habits of mind

This is our House Michael Rosen Bob Graham Stage 3 Lesson 1 Brainstorm Creating, imagining, innovating Match famous people with HOM Warm up- Connecting with the stimulus material George didn’t want to let anybody in the house. How do we know? Look at the pictures, what do the words tell you? Ask students to think of a time when they were excluded. Share their stories with a partner Hold up different emotion cards. Create different faces/ body shapes in response to words/ picture cards. Slow motion melts from one emotion to another. Partners retell their partner’s story Stimulus- George was angry. Process drama technique: Physicalisations In pairs create statues representing different emotions. Students walk around the drama space, on signal create a pose number 1, repeat this process until participants have three different poses. Students practice remembering poses and create their own sequence in any order (3, 2, 1). Students pick two of their favourite poses to teach to a partner. They learn each other’s poses and create transitions to connect each pose. Process drama technique: Vocal building Monologue: Each student creates a short monologue, verbalising their thoughts about why they are cross “When I came home the other day ………” Sharing lines: develop this into a shared piece A- When I came home I found B- my room had been painted green! A- I was soooo mad B- No-one had asked me! Chants: use the words “This house is mine and no one else is coming in”, to develop a short chant….For example- “This house is mine, this house is mine, and no one else is coming in, no girls, no small people, no twins, no jets, no doctors, no glasses, no people who like tunnels, NO RED HAIR” Lesson 2 Warm up- Connecting with the characters * Students choose s character from the book which they want to portray. Students walk around the space in-role eg. Demonstrating character’s size, status, mood. * As their character, walk around the room: in straight lines, in wavy lines,



