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introducing strongestrong-markplan a practical methodology to plan strongestrong

Business Horizons (2006) 49, 51 —60 /locate/bushor Introducing E-MARKPLAN: A practical methodology to plan e-marketing activities Sandeep Krishnamurthy University of Washington, Bothell, Box 358533, 18115 Campus Way NE, Room UW1-233, Bothell, WA 98011-8246, USA KEYWORDS Abstract Although e-marketing is highly prevalent, no template currently exists Internet/Web/Online for managers who wish to use the Internet/Web and related information marketing; technologies to market their products and services. This paper provides managers E-marketing; with a comprehensive, actionable, and practical methodology (E-MARKPLAN) to Case study plan, enact, and analyze e-marketing activities. Five case studies are used to illustrate the diversity of e-marketing actions. E-MARKPLAN consists of five parts: goals, actors (i.e., those who take e-marketing actions), spaces (i.e., theaters of engagement), actions, and outcomes. The E-MARKPLAN methodology is versatile, and is not limited to companies which have e-commerce operations. D 2005 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. All rights reserved. 1. Got e-marketing? cant part of the marketing activity surrounding every important brand. The Internet and the World Wide Web have had a Before we discuss e-marketing in det



