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Chapter 19. Literature and Popular Culture Of all literary systems known in history the classical Chinese system has been able to resist change the longest, precisely because undifferentiated patronage limited both the producers and the readers of literature to a relatively small coterie dominated by the court and the mandarins, and also because it could impose its ideology and its poetics by making them a (sizable) part of the requirements to be met by those who wanted to belong to that coterie. André Lefevere: Translation, Rewriting & Manipulation of Literary Fame Even those who never passed the imperial examinations, eking out a meager living as recluses or vagabonds, continued to write in terms of the dominant ideology and the dominant poetics because they had to rely, at least to a certain extent, on the charity of their former classmates or other mandarins glad to be able to enjoy the company of cultured gentlemen (even though their appearance might ostensibly belie that fact) while sitting out their stints in remote provinces. André Lefevere: Translation, Rewriting & Manipulation of Literary Fame This state of affairs could - and did - continue only as long as the environment was itself relatively homogeneous and secure. The literary system kept producing works of literature in a language no longer spoken by the majority of the population and with little or no bearing on what was actually happening in the environment. André Lefevere: Translation, Rewriting & Manipulation of Literary Fame 当那个环境受到外部的压力日益增加时,而且,当新生的群体,例如,在那个环境内部滋生出来的新生资产阶级,能够提供替代保护时,文学体系受到内部大量改写(即西方文学翻译)的颠覆,会很快跨掉。大量借助日语的媒介提供新感觉,成为中国文学现代化的一个模式。 Chinese literary themes Chinese literary themes are universal—love, bravery, murder and intrigue, drunken reverie, jealousy, adultery, war, heroic men and women, moral uprightness, physical prowess and so on. They provide a lively and entertaining way to learn more about China. Chapter 19. Literature and Popular Culture Chinese thinkers & writers often c


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