计算机网络安全问题与解决对策 毕业论文.doc

计算机网络安全问题与解决对策 毕业论文.doc

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摘 要 信息技术的使用给人们的生活、工作带来了数不尽的便捷和好处,然而计算机信息技术也和其他技术一样是一把双刃剑。当大部分人们使用信息技术提高工作效率,为社会创造更多财富的同时,另外一些人利用信息技术却做着相反的事。他们非法入侵他人的计算机系统窃取机密信息、篡改和破坏数据,给社会造成难以估计的巨大损失。据统计全球约20秒钟就有一次计算机入侵事件发生,Internet上的网络防火墙约1/4被突破,约70%以上的网络信息主管人员报告机密信息泄露而受到了损失。网络安全是一个关系国家安全和主权、社会的稳定、民族文化的继承和发扬的重要问题,网络安全涉及到计算机科学、网络技术通信技术、密码技术、信息安全技术、应用数学、数论、信息论等多种科学。 本文对计算机网络安全的概念加以阐述,并对目前计算机网络存在的安全隐患进行了分析,探讨了针对计算机安全隐患的防范策略,同时深入探究各方面网络安全问题的解决,可以使读者得到对网络安全技术的深入了解。 【关键字】:计算机网络;网络安全;防范策略;防火墙 Abstract The use of information technology takes many benefits to people's life and work, but the computer information technology is same with other technologies, like a double-edged sword. While most people use information technology to improve efficiency and create more wealth for the community, others are doing the opposite. They invade computer systems to steal confidential information, data tampering and break pots, which will make tremendous loss to society. According to statistics, a global computer intrusion incidents will happen in 20 seconds, 1 / 4 of Internet firewall on the network are broken ,and about 70% of network information receive the loss. Network security is a matter of national security and sovereignty, social stability, democratic culture, inherit and carries forward the important issue of network security related to computer science, network technology, communication technology, cryptography, information security technology, applied mathematics, number theory, information theory, etc. This text expatiates the concept of computer network security, analyzes the present computer network security's hidden danger, and it also discusses the preventive strategy in computer security's hidden danger. For example: firewall, authentication encryption, anti-virus technology is today commonly used method, this method of in-depth exploration of these various aspects of network security problems, can make the reader understand network security technology better. 【Key words】: network;network security;security第1章 计算机网络安


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