学院招生网网页设计与制作 毕业论文.doc

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摘 要 随着经济社会的发展,计算机已被应用到社会生活的各个领域。与此同时,互联网作为信息技术的通信桥梁连接着全球的计算机,而网站作为网络信息主要的表现形式而且还是互联网信息的主要承载者,在Internet上表现出其及其重要的地位,并发挥着其及其重要的作用。无论是在国内还是国外都得以迅速的发展和壮大,并被人们重视和关注。互联网已经彻底的改变了世界,互联网的世界里蕴藏着无限的可能,在这种情况下,各行各业及其个人、单位、工厂、企事业等等在网上构筑属于自己的网络信息平台,保护自己的网络资源并在互联网上开辟自己的市场和消费群体,以及构造自己的数字化世界和加强全球范围内不同地域的人们联系交流等等活动也就显的日益重要。于是各种各样的网站便如雨后春笋般地出现鱼龙混杂且良莠不齐。Internet的日益兴起和以网页为载体的网络信息的广泛传播和应用,使得网站的建设及网页制作得到发展的空间,大至大型企业的产品推销、售后服务、解决方案,小至个人Web页面开发,形形色色,五彩缤纷,网站建设和网页制作也成为计算机网络领域最热门的话题。 本文讲解了一个以学院招生为主题的网站。论文将对学院招生网网页设计与制作的方法、工具等展开研究和探讨。在介绍网页设计与制作语言的基础上,着重使用DIV + CSS作为工具语言进行网页设计与制作的实际操作,分别对基础对象的JavaScript语言、内部对象系统的使用及WEB页面信息交互,窗口和框架进行详细描述,并利用具体的实例进行验证。 首页主要是包括首页、招生指南、院系导航、学院概述、招生工作、常见问题、网上报名、信息查询八个模块组成,采用DIV+CSS样式布局。 关键词:DIV+CSS、JavaScript、web Abstract Along with the development of society and economy, the computer has been used to social life in all areas. At the same time, the Internet as information technology communication bridge connection of the global computer, and web sites as the main form of network information and the main bearing or Internet information, who in the Internet borrows its and its important position, and is playing the its and its important role. Both in domestic and abroad are the rapid development and expansion, and taken seriously by people and attention. The Internet has completely changed the world, the world of the Internet contains the infinite possible, in this case, all walks of life and personal, unit, factory, enterprise or business the and so on in building their own online network information platform, the protection of its own network resources in the Internet and open up their markets and consumer groups, and structure of the digital world and strengthen their global range of different regions in people link exchanges and other activities will be increasingly important. So all kinds of website will have mushroomed miraculously appear good and evil people mixed up and the good and bad are intermingled. The Internet is the rise and with the Web page as the


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