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窗体顶端 Unit 10 Part 18 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice) Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 窗体顶端 Passage 1 During the long vacation I was accepted as a bus conductor. I lasted about three weeks. The routes through town were more than the mind could stand even in the off-peak hours. All the buses from our station and every other station would be crawling nose to tail through the town while the entire working population of Sydney fought to get aboard. It was hot that summer: 100° Fahrenheit (华氏) every day. Inside the bus it was 30° hotter still. It was so jammed inside that my feet werent touching the floor. There was no hope of collecting any fares. At each stop it was all I could do to reach the bell that signaled the driver to close the automatic doors and get going. I had no way of telling whether anybody had managed to get on or off. My one object was to get that bus up Pitt Street. In these circumstances I was scarcely to blame. I didnt even know where we were, but I guessed we were at the top just before Market Street. I pressed the bell, the doors closed, and the bus surged forward. There were shouts and yells from down the back, but I thought they were the angry cries of passengers who had not got on. Too late I realized that they were emanating (来自) from within the bus. The back set of automatic doors had closed around an old ladys neck as she was getting on. Her head was inside the bus. The rest of her, carrying a shopping bag was outside. I knew none of this at the time. When I at last caught on to the fact that something was happening and signaled the driver to stop, he crashed to a halt and opened the automatic doors, whereupon the woman dropped to the road. 1.? When did the author work as a bus conductor? ? A. Three weeks ago. ? B. During off-peak hours only. ? C. During his vacation. ? D. Every summer. Correct answer: C 2.? What made it dif


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