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Introduce your friend 介绍你的朋友 Guess: Who is she? Introduce your friend 介绍你的朋友 思考: 阅读 “包子姐姐 ”对她朋友的介绍,找出介绍他人时应该注意哪些写作因素?要包含哪些内容? Personal information First Name: Kimi Last name: Lin Age: 5 From: Taiwan Occupation(职业):Student Hobbies(爱好):sing songs and play toy car Friend: Grace(Cao Huaen) 审(search) 人称: 时态:一般现在时 self-introduction 思考:“包子姐姐”的自我介绍还可以添加和完善哪些内容? 除and之外,我们还接触过什么连接词呢? Personal information First Name: Kimi Last name: Lin Age: 5 From: Taiwan Occupation(职业):Student Hobbies(爱好):sing songs and play toy car Friend: Grace(Cao Huaen) Homework 你因故转学到另一所学校,作为新同学,老师让你在班上做个简单的自我介绍。请用英文写一篇自我介绍。题目自拟。 1.自我介绍的内容包括姓名,年龄,籍贯,兴趣爱好等等 2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名等相关信息。 3.词数:60字左右。标题不计入总词数。 4.参考词汇:hobby, be interested in(对...感兴趣) I have a friend and his name’s Kimi. He’s five years old and he’s a student. He’s from Taiwan and he likes drinking milk and singing songs. His father is an actor and a singer. He loves his father very much. We are best friends and we often play together. Do you want to make friend with him? What about your friend? 姓名 年龄 籍贯 身份 兴趣爱好 家庭 姓名 时态 Introduce your friend 人称 班级年级 兴趣爱好 朋友 职业(身份) 籍贯 家庭 Hello, everyone. My name is Cao Huaen and my English name is Grace. I’m four years old and I’m from Taiwan. I’m a student. I like listening to the music and singing songs. This is my friend and his name’s Kimi. He’s from Taibei too.What about you? 一审:认真审题,找出题目规定需要表达的要点 Read the given topic carefully and find out the requirements from it. Step1 审(search) 请你用英文写一篇简单的介绍他人的文章。这个人可以是你的朋友,家人,亲戚或者是你喜爱的偶像明星。 1.介绍的内容包括姓名,年龄,籍贯,兴趣爱好等等 2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名等相关信息。 3.词数:60字左右。标题不计入总词数。 4.参考词汇:hobby, be interested in(对...感兴趣) Step1 二审:审人称,时态 自我介绍:用第一人称 I 介绍他人:用第三人称 he/she/人名 用简单的句子或短语列出自我介绍时需要介绍的内容 列(list) List the key points. You can use mind-map. Step 2 朋友 姓名班级 Introduce your friend 姓名 籍贯 兴趣爱好 职业 自己能做的事 自我介绍内容 具体英语表达 姓名 My names.../ Im... Her/His names.../ He/She is... 班级年级 Im in Class___ Grade___. He/She/人名... is in Class__Grade__. 籍贯 Im from



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