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摘 要 随着互联网技术的飞速发展,建设一个网站的技术门槛越来越低。但是对于有网站建设需求的初学者来说,由于没有任何基础,对相关的概念很迷茫,在摸索的过程中会走很多的弯路。其实使用免费开源的内容管理系统( Content Management System,简写CMS),建设一个网站是轻而易举的事情 内容管理系统是典型的CMS信息管理系统,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的库。而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。 本系统在前端开发设计中,在页面的布局时, HTML将元素进行定义,CSS对展示的元素进行定位,网站前端最基本的四个技能:PS,HTML,CSS,JavaScript。这个是前端开发最基本也最重要的技能,前端的开发中,在页面的布局时, HTML将元素进行定义,CSS对展示的元素进行定位,再通过JavaScript实现相应的效果和交互。虽然表面看起来这些很简单,但这里面需要掌握的东西绝对不会少。在进行开发前,需要对这些概念弄清楚,弄明白,这样在开发的过程中才会得心应手。设计此管理系统的目的是希望能给需要此类信息的人们带来方便,同时自己在完成此程序的过程中学到知识和经验。 关键字:管理系统、前端、HTML、CSS、PS、JavaScript. ABSTRACT With the rapid development of Internet technology, the construction of a webtechnology is more and more low threshold. But for the beginner with website construction demand, because there is no basis, very confused on the related concept, in the process of exploration will take many detours. Content management system is the use of free and open source (Content ManagementSystem, abbreviated CMS), building a website is a be an easy job to do CMS content management system is the typical information management system, its development mainly includes two aspects: the background of the establishment and maintenance of database and front-end application development. For the former requirement to establish data consistency and integrity strong, the data security good storehouse. For the latter request application procedure function is complete, easy to use etc.. The system in the front end design, in the layout of the page, HTML will define the elements, positioning CSS to display elements, front-end web four most basic skills: PS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. This is the skill of front-end development the most basic and most important, front-end development, in the layout of the page, HTML will define the elements, positioning CSS to displayelements, and then through the JavaScript to achieve the corresponding effectand interaction. Although the surface looks like these is


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