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高二英语假期检测题四 第部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。 A I placed the spaghetti(意大利面)in front of everyone and sank into my chair with a big sigh. It was Thursday, and like every Thursday, I was exhausted end just sick of everyone and everything. “Mommy? asked my older daughter. What?” I practically shouted. Could t they just eat without demanding anything? It seems that the spaghetti is overcooked, she said. I glanced at my husband, and he just gave a slight nod in agreement with ray daughter. Why could’ t I even cook something simple as spaghetti? Then I remembered why. Because every time I was trying to gel dinner cooked, I could be distracted (分心)by so many other things. I hung my head in defeat once again. Sometimes, I just wanted to cry. Throughout my journey in motherhood, 1 have concluded that my abilities are an absolute failure at times. This spaghetti dinner was just another example. I don t even know how to balance the “wife” with the “mother” anymore. Romance is a distant memory. My only goal as a mother is to survive, because not burning down ray house or losing a kid would be an accomplishment. . “ Its s okay, honey, ” my husband said as He patted me on the back, “I see if we have a frozen pizza or something. I nodded. I knew we would laugh at this later, but it was just another moment of failure. I looked down at my older daughter as I got up to carry the awful spaghetti to the sink. She hugged me and looked up at me with her big brown eye. I couldnt help but smile. Then she said the words that could make any mother s mood better, “ I love you, Mommy, and I still think you are the greatest mommy ever!” 1. Which of the following is true about the writer according to the first part of the passage? A. She liked every Thursday. B. She was sick. C. She was in a bad mood. D. She had only one child. 2.The spaghetti was overcooked because the writer . A. was occupied with too many things B. was not good



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