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我爱我的祖国国庆节英语作文   导语:国庆节快要到了,这怎么可以少的了国庆的英语作文,下面是小编为大家准备的英语范文,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!   我爱祖国英语作文:   Flow of river water, continuous mountain road, belong to our great motherland, the motherland’s mountains and the grand, from rivers of the motherland, the motherland bosom very broad.   The Chinese nation has a history of five thousand years, the Chinese nation in the world is a very great people. But we will not forget that the g8 coalition and robbed all the way to Beijing, a fire burned belongs to our Chinese nation many world famous places of interest, we can’t forget the Japanese invaders in nanjing massacre, killing more than 30 Chinese compatriots...   Since October 1, 1949, the day of the People’s Republic of China was born, China has stood up again, the Chinese nation once again raised his head, stands in the east of the world.   You remember 8 PM on August 8, 2008, 29 footprints gradually moving towards the bird’s nest, the 29th Olympic Games finally opened in Beijing, China! At that moment, we boiling, boiling, Chinese people all over the world are boiling! How many years of efforts, how many times, many people shed sweat, finally in that moment to the motherland proud!   The motherland, you have gone through an extraordinary 60 years, like a baby grew up to be young. Today you alive, sending out the vigor and vitality. Have you had any hardships had a laugh, bumpy history, tomorrow will be better. Sixty years, you changed, your people become rich, you are condensed the world Chinese people’s heart, you won the world respect.   The motherland, you are in my heart forever is a shining pearl.   参考翻译:   滔滔不断的江水,连绵不断的山路,都属于我们伟大的祖国,祖国的山川雄奇,祖国的河水透逸,祖国的胸怀无比宽广。   中华民族有着五千多年的历史,中华民族在世界上是一个非常伟大的民族。但是我们也不会忘记,八国联军一路烧杀抢劫到北京,一把火烧毁属于我们中华民族举世闻名的许多名胜古迹,我们更不能忘记日本侵略者在南京的大屠杀,杀害30多万中国同胞……   自从1949年10月1日,中华民共和国诞生的那一天,中国又重新站了起来了,中华民族又一次昂起了头,屹立在世界的东方。   大家还记得2008年8月8日晚上8时,29个脚印渐渐迈向鸟巢,第29届奥运会终于在中国北京开幕了!那一刻,我们沸腾了,中国人民沸腾了,全世界都沸腾了!多少年的努力,多少次的付出,多少人的流下的汗水,终于在那一刻化为了祖国的骄傲!   祖国,你已走



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