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内容摘要: 口岸架起了对外来往和经贸协作的桥梁,既是我国对外开放重要门户,也是国门安全的前沿。自改革开放以来,我国现代化建设取得的成绩离不开口岸的发展。当下,国内改革迈入爬坡过坎的关键阶段,经济发展进入新常态,国门安全面临新挑战,国际局势风云变幻,这些都对口岸工作提出新的更高要求。在此形势下,加强口岸管理部门中海关与检验检疫的合作,精简关检双方在共有的申报、查验、放行等重点环节的作业流程,提高口岸通关效率,能有效面对新的挑战。本文立足于关检合作机制,对传统合作模式的规定、流程和不足进行梳理,分析新形势下关检合作“三个一”通关模式的优势、取得的效益和存在的问题,并提出相应的解决措施,以期更好地完善“三个一”通关模式。 关键词: 通关模式;关检合作;三个一 Abstract: Port to set up a bridge of foreign trade and economic cooperation, is an important gateway to Chinas opening up, but also the forefront of the countrys security. Since the reform and opening up, the achievements of our countrys modernization construction can not be separated from the development of the port. Now, domestic reform entered the crucial stage of climbing over the ridge, the economic development in the new normal, the safety of the country faces new challenges, the changing international situation. These are to port work proposed new and higher requirements. In this situation, strengthen cooperation of port management departments of customs, inspection and quarantine, streamlining Customs seized both in common declaration, examination and release, etc. key links of the operation process, to improve the efficiency of customs clearance, effective face new challenges. Based to the Customs seized cooperation mechanism, regulations of traditional cooperative mode, process and sort out the problem, analysis of the advantages of new situation of Customs seized cooperation three in one mode of clearance, the benefits achieved and existing problems, and puts forward the corresponding solutions, done better good three in one mode of clearance. Key words: Customs clearance mode; Customs seized Cooperation; three in one 目 录 第 一 章 绪论 1 (一) 选题背景和意义 1 (二) 相关文献综述 2 (三) 研究内容、方法与技术路线图及创新之处 5 第 二 章 关检合作机制概述 8 (一) 基本概念 8 (二) 传统关检通关合作模式的特点 8 (三) 传统关检通关合作模式的不足 12 第 三 章 “三个一”通关模式下关检合作的现状分析 13 (一) “三个一”通关模式发展历程 13 (二) “三个一”通关模式的比较优势 14 (三) “三个一”通关模式的效益 19 (四) “三个一”通关模式下关检合作存在的问题 2


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