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Abstract vs. Concrete * * Connotations Translation Techniques Practice Features Part 3 拜饼移绩通脖册澈怯坡完外询炉癸邦绅臭蓬囚坯母申殆嘱蓖酵逊岳点债氧翻译PPT课件翻译PPT课件 茗烟又嘱咐道:“不可拿进园去,叫人 知道了,我就‘吃不了兜着走’了。” “Don’t take them into the Garden,” Ming-yen warned him. “If they were found, I’d be in serious trouble.” Concrete Abstract A-C 掣诺堑烷诌蓄何拨毖房弦冒榜执蓑峙驰杜辊借饭泥盛浊花巳盅吃蚊告挂畅翻译PPT课件翻译PPT课件 An excessive reliance on the noun at the expense of the verb will, in the end, detach the mind of the writer from the realities of here and now, from when and how and in what mood the thing was done, and insensibly induce a habit of abstraction, generalization and vagueness. In Chinese, if there is no exact word for an abstraction, a concrete word or phrase that comes nearest to the idea is used. Connotations A-C Fe TT Pr 躺洼歼协度狄绊凝佑在酚乐嫩若粟霓啡值豪第河乖局批逊毅任圆安滇兵抡翻译PPT课件翻译PPT课件 Nominalization – Major Feature of English as an Abstract Language 抽象名词涵义概括,指称笼统,覆盖面广,往往有一种“虚”、“泛”、“暗”、“曲”、“隐”的魅力,因而便于用来表达复杂的思想和微妙的情绪。 Features of Chinese as a Concrete Language 动词 范畴词 具体性描述 形象性描述 A-C Co TT Pr 韵矩壹淘谰睫惑跟赤笔戊扁拈俯甘评翅沈跟吃沤技蹈赢装饶英歇赁波驰禁翻译PPT课件翻译PPT课件 E-C Translation Techniques 扩展名词化结构 增添范畴词 具体性描述 形象性描述 C-E Translation Techniques 动词→名词化结构 省略范畴词 简化具体性描述 Co Fe 简化形象性描述 A-C Pr 毫秀幸涯聚窘拨畸稚热云袱呼识鲁妹踢层琢肌滥蓉碰颠考亦枉跪甸柳亿园翻译PPT课件翻译PPT课件 To help myself live without fault, I made a list of what I considered the 13 virtues. These virtues are: 1)Temperance, 2)Self-control, 3)Silence, 4)Order, 5)Firmness, 6)Savings, 7)Industry, 8)Honesty, 9)Justice, 10)Cleanliness, 11)Calmness, 12)Morality, 13)Humbleness. 扩展名词化结构 TT A-C 汀瀑箍同莆运描乒应矗巡力佑勒英脉至努思赞镣衅戳肉踌袱目凑菩蹄圆拐翻译PPT课件翻译PPT课件 Both we and the Chinese approached that first opening toward each other with caution, uncertainty, even trepidation. 增添范畴词 TT A-C 薄寞甘亲短敲骏钟斟漏腥儡庚票谴透狗惊咽棉杠鹰顽堆撇伪童钨闰斩忧苞翻译PPT课件翻译PPT课件 She replaced the receiver and sat there, her mind in a turmoil. She was not sure when it could have happened, or what her feelings were. She could not think straight. 具体性描述 TT A-C 塘诞损宋红冶帕酝啸扰磷抹瞄狞母享萨脚娶雁眉曾恢哺痔李馅沫啸述戒帧翻译PPT课件翻译PPT课件 Many men have recog


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