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摘 要 起重机的出现大大提高了人们的劳动效率,以前需要许多人花长时间才能搬动的大型物件现在用起重机就能轻易达到效果,尤其是在小范围的搬动过程中起重机的作用是相当明显的。在工厂的厂房内搬运大型零件或重型装置桥式起重机是不可获缺的。 桥式起重机小车主要包括起升机构、小车架、小车运行机构、吊具等部分。其中的小车运行机构主要由减速器、主动轮组、从动轮组、传动轴和一些连接件组成。 加Q时请说明是一柱香推荐 ABSTRACT Crane can greatly improve the appearance of the labor efficiency, people need many flowers before long time to lift large objects can be easily used cranes now effect, especially in small range of moving process of crane is quite obvious. In the factory workshop of transporting large parts or heavy equipment bridge crane is ever. Bridge crane car mainly includes hoisting mechanism, car, trolley mechanism, sling, etc. One car running gear reducer, mainly by active wheel shaft, driven wheel, and some fittings. This design is mainly aimed at the general line bridge cranes, car mainly hoisting mechanism, the mechanism and a car. Lifting mechanism adopts closed transmission scheme, motor shaft and the level of high-speed cylindrical gears reduction gear shaft coupling between the two and a half tooth and a link between floating axis, the low speed shaft gear reducer with cylindrical gears transmission between the drum. This design using PROE drawings, of the overall design of the only details, not out, still hope the teacher give directions. 目 录 第1章 起重机设计方案 1 1.1 起重机的介绍以及总体方案 1 1.1.1 起重机的总体方案 1 1.2 主梁的设计 1 1.3 端梁的设计 1 1.4 小车的设计 2 1.4.1 小车的结构介绍 2 1.4.2 小车设计方案 3 第2章 主升机构的运算 4 2.1 确定传动方案,选择滑轮组和吊钩 4 2.1.1 选择滑轮组 4 2.1.2 选择吊钩 5 2.1.3 选择钢绳 7 2.2 选择卷筒 8 第3章 电动机及其机构运算 12 3.1 选择电动机 12 3.1.1验算电动机发热条件 14 3.1.2电动机过载验算 15 3.2 运行机构电动机的选择 15 3.2 减速器的选择 16 3.3 验算起升速度和实际所需要功率 16 3.4 校核减速器输出轴强度 17 3.5选择制动器 18 3.6选择联轴器 19 3.7验算起动时间 19 3.8运行系统计算 20 3.8.1选择车轮与轨道并验算其强度 20 3.8.2运行阻力计算 22 3.8.3选电动机 23 3.8.4验算电动机发热条件 23 3.8.5选择减速器 23 3.8.6验算运行速度和实际所需功率 24 3.8.7验算起动时间 24 3.8.8按启动工况校核减速器功率 25 3.8.9验算不打滑的条件 25 3.8.10初选制动器 26 3.8.11选择高速轴联轴器及制动轮 27 3.8.12选择低速轴联轴器 27 3.9.2 制动器的设计计算 28 3.9.1 主要尺寸 28 3.9.2 选电磁铁 29 3.9.3 制动臂尺寸 29 3.9.4 主弹簧的设计计算 30 3.9.5 销轴计算 32 3.9


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