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在本单元你将学会 在商务旅游观光中所涉及的内容及交谈方式,包括如何谈论天气,怎样向外商介绍自己公司的物理及经济状况并借此机会推出自己一方的产品优势等。 4.1 Talking about Weather (谈论天气) Mr. Smith is going to visit a factory. Mr. Bai, the secretary of the factory, is driving him there. (A: Mr. Smith B: Mr. Bai) A: It’s bitterly cold today. B: It’s much warmer than yesterday. A: Yes. You’re from Beijing, aren’t you? B: No. I was born in Harbin, but I left at 18 when I was admitted to Beijing University. I’ve been living in Beijing for more than ten years. A: Are you used to the weather here? B: Yes. I like the weather in Beijing, especially in autumn. There are many beautiful days. Trees are changing color, and the weather is neither too hot nor too cold. A: But don’t you mind the coldness in winter here? B: Not at all! I prefer cold weather to hot weather. I’m a winter person. I can skate,ski and make snowman. What about you? A: I like summer better. In Britain, the weather is much more temperate than in most of China. In winter it is milder and in summer it is cooler. B: Look, the sun is emerging out and everything looks so fresh. A: Yes, isn’t it? New Words (4.1) 1. Bitterly adv. 非常地,惨痛地,辛酸地 2. admit v. 让...进入,接纳;容纳 3. especially adv. 特别 (是),尤其 4. neither conj. 既不...又不... 5. skate n. 冰鞋 v. 滑冰 6. ski n. 雪撬 v. 滑雪 7. snowman n. 雪人 8. temperate adj. 温和的,自制的 9. mild a. 温和,温柔的 Exercises (4.1) I. Translate the following into English. 1. 全国大部分地区晴朗有薄雾,气温和英格兰 岛的气温相似。 2. 今年冬天雪会多吗? 3. 纽约的春天通常很温暖。 4. 昨天天气不好。实际上这几天天气一直不好。 5. 把电视声音关小点儿。天气预报还没有开始 呢。 6. 我们预计尽管气温很低,但最近几天天气晴 好。 7. 你觉得我们这里的天气怎么样? 8. 看起来一场雷雨即将来临了。 9. 我们好几年没有遇到这样大的雪了。 10. 今天凉风习习,天气宜人。 Exercises (4.1) Ⅱ. Practice the dialogues and translate them into Chinese. Dialogue 1 A: What is the weather like today?



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