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Major Achievements of IGTC IGTC的主要成就 Accumulated scientific evidences on safety and efficacy of MSG. 积累了味精安全性和功能性的科学依据 Provided scientific information of MSG to international scientific risk assessment bodies such as JECFA, FASEB (USFDA), and EC/SCF.为国际科学风险评估机构如JECFA, FASEB,EC/SCF等提供了有关味精的学术资料 Gained the global consensus on safety of MSG used as food additive. 使得“味精是安全的食品添加剂”获得了全球认可 Put anti-MSG activities to rest by affirmations based on hard scientific evidences 基于确凿的科学依据抑制了抵制味精活动 Built up trustful relations with scientists and regulators by promoting advanced research on glutamate. 通过促进谷氨酸盐的进一步研究工作,在科学家和监管者之间建立了信任关系 JECFA: Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives FASEB: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology USFDA: United States Food and Drug Administration EC/SCF: European Community/Scientific Committee for Food Pseudo-Science and Perception 伪科学和看法 Long time-span of issue resolution resulted in bad image 长时间跨度的问题解决方式导致了坏的形象 Lack of effective risk communication缺乏有效的风险沟通 Extreme claims 极端申明 Books claiming MSG to be cause of many illnesses 一些书籍称味精可导致众多疾病 Early 90s, issue in US, TV 在20世纪90年代美国、台湾 Hidden glutamate issue隐瞒谷氨酸盐问题 Food companies accused of hiding glutamate in Hydrolyzed Vegetable Proteins and Yeast Extracts 食品公司指责水解植物蛋白和酵母提取物里隐含的谷氨酸盐 FDA attacked FDA的抨击 Food companies using negative claims食品公司利用负面的申明 No MSG, No Added MSG, No Chemical Seasoning 拒绝味精,拒绝添加味精,拒绝化学调味品 Clear and Present Danger…现今明显的的危害 Obesity issue (Hermanussen, He, etc.)肥胖问题 Response to Safety Issues 应对安全问题的一些经验 更早的信息Early information 科学数据Scientific data 诚信Credibility 持续的科研交流(个体的专家和科研机构)Continuous scientific networks (individual experts and scientific associations) 联合应对影响行业United response by affected industry 清楚决策的机制Know mechanism of decision making 不同层次的危害交流Risk communication at several levels 谢谢大家 THANK YOU! ありがとうございます * PPT模板下载:/moban/ 行业PPT模板:/hangye/ 节日PPT模板:/jieri/ PPT素材下载:/sucai/ PPT背景图片:/beijing/


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