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南京邮电大学通达学院 毕 业 论 文 题 目:基于关系营销理论的 汽车销售模式分析 专 业: 市场营销 指导单位: 经济与管理学院 摘 要 随着社会的进步,营销理论也在不断发展。论文的目的在于研究关系营销在实践中对汽车销售模式的影响。在阅读大量的文献资料的基础上,整理出传统营销和关系营销的区别和联系,然后将国内外汽车销售模式进行对比,探讨关系营销对汽车销售模式的必要性,再结合具体案例,深入分析其采取的方法和成功的因素,最后得出结论。研究结论显示:在中国汽车产业面临产业结构升级、市场竞争加剧和全球经济体化的大背景下,针对中国汽车市场的关系营销策略必然会为企业带来一系列经营优势营销支出降低、经济效益提高、企业管理优化等。 ABSTRACT With social progress, marketing theory is also developing slowly. This article is to study the relationship marketing on car sales pattern in practice. Based on large amount of literature, this paper sorts out the distinction and communication between traditional marketing and relationship marketing, then compares domestic auto sales mode with foreign auto sales mode to explore the necessity of relationship marketing model on car sales. Then the author analysis its approach and success factors in-depth combined with specific cases, finally get the conclusions. Research result suggest that: The Chinese auto industry faces upgrade industrial structure, market competition and global economic integration, the background for the relationship between the Chinese automotive marketing for enterprise marketing strategy will bring a business advantage. For example, lower marketing spending, economic efficiency, Firm management optimization and so on. If car sales business model reasonable use of relationship marketing can enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises in the market, relationship marketing combine with car sales in the future will occupy more important position in practice, so the study has the vital significance. Key words: Relationship marketing; Auto sales model; Market competition; Marketing strategy 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1研究背景和意义 1 1.2研究思路和框架 2 第二章 关系营销理论综述 4 2.1关系营销涵义与其特征 4 2.2.关系营销与传统营销的联系与区别 5 2.2.1关系营销与传统营销的联系 5 2.2.2关系营销与传统营销的区别 6 第三章 国内外汽车市场汽车销售模式现状分析 8 3.1国外汽车销售模


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