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摘 要 针对目前私家车自动车库门问题,结合AT89S51单片机以及PT2262/PT2272无线收发功能,在普通车库门的控制基础上,增加了红外发射与接收电路,防盗报警电路等。设计出一种新型无线车库门自动控制系统,该系统具有结构简单,价格低廉,可靠性高等优点。 车库门全自动门控装置,其特征在于设有置于车库内和车库外的主控制器以及安装在车辆内的密码标识器,主控制器由单片机、315M无线接收器、解码器和红外对管组成,密码标识器由无线发射器和编码器。PT2262与PT2272地址和数据状态一模一样,PT2262电源端平时断开,若快到了车库门则按下按钮通电,编码器PT2262将地址和数据通过无线发射模块发射,同时无线接收器的输出端接解码器的输入端,解码器的输出端VT接单片机,若数据完全正确则车库内的单片机启动电机开启车库门,同时红外对管感应次数计数,出车库门后门自动下降。 关键词:单片机 无线接收模块PT2262/PT2272 红外对管 Abstract In view of the present private cars automatic control problems, combined with AT89S51 and PT2262 / PT2270 wireless transceiver functions, in ordinary garage door control foundation, increased infrared emission and receiving circuit, anti-theft alarm circuit, etc. Design a kind of new wireless garage door automatic control system, the system has simple structure, low price, high reliability etc. Garage door full automatic control device, its character is placed in a garage inside and outside the garage of the main controller and installation in vehicles password marker, main controller by single chip microcomputer, 315m wireless receiver, decoder and infrared pipe composition, password marker by wireless transmitter and encoder. PT2262 and PT2272 address and data state as like as two peas, PT2262 power end off at ordinary times, if is coming garage door is a button energizing, encoder PT2262 will address and data through the wireless transmitting module emission, and at the same time, the wireless receiver output terminal decoder input end, decoder output end VT joint single-chip microcomputer, if the data is completely correct in the garage of the single chip microcomputer start motor open the garage door, at the same time infrared pipe induction frequency count, out of the garage door automatic falling back door. Keywords: singlechip Wireless receiving module PT2262 / PT2272 Infrared pipe 目 录 第1章 绪 论 - 1 - 1.1车库门研究现状 - 1 - 1.2车库门研究意义 - 2 - 第2章 方案论证 - 4 - 2.1设计任务及基本要求 - 4 - 2.1.1系统的基本设计要求 - 4 -


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