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毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 学 院: 专 业: 新型小球藻生物阴极型MFC的基础特性研究 摘要 随着全世界范围内能源紧缺和环境污染问题的加剧,研发新的环境友好处理工艺从有机废水中回收有价能源已经成为环境工程领域一个重要的方向。能源微藻生物阴极型微生物燃料电池因可同时实现污染治理、零碳排放、电能产生、CO2捕捉、生物柴油及藻体残渣等有价回收的多重 Basic characteristics research of a novel MFC with Chlorella biocathode Abstract With worldwide energy shortage and environmental pollution increasing, the development of new environmentally friendly wastewater treatment process to recover energy has become an important field of environmental engineering direction. Microbial fuel cell(MFC) with energy microalgae biocathode can be simultaneously achieved pollution control, zero carbon emissions, power generation, CO2 capture, and algae biodiesel and other valuable residue recycling multiple effects, has broad application prospects. In this paper, the innovative design of their own beneficial to the Growth of the cathode MFC reactor as an experimental model, the first to start its normal operation liquid cathode, anode producing electricity Enrichment be mature, stable power battery production were investigated after the normal cathode run, adding algae into the cathode, the cathode electrode of Pt and the cathode light of this ongoing cycle of four different operating conditions, the MFC producing electricity, the growth of Chlorella and dissolved oxygen conditions in the cathode, and the COD treatment situation of the artificial water in anode . The results show that adding Chlorella into the cathode production after the MFC power level, dissolved oxygen level of the cathode, anode COD artificial wastewater treatment rate had a significant increase and, ultimately, the greatest period of continuous light cathode output voltage is 483.1mv, is 4.8 times as the normal operation ; the maximum output power density is 27.5mW / m, is 28.9 times as the normal operation ; the internal resistance is 480.7Ω, is 0.4 times as the normal operation; the average l



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