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温室大棚设计毕业论文 摘要 随着大棚技术的普及,温室大棚数量的不断增多,对其温度的控制就显得非常重要,而利用科学技术改善大棚温度监测条件是符合社会主义新农村建设的指导思想的,因此,开发一种能够实时、准确地处理温度信息的无线测控系统就变得很有必要。 本课题是基于单片机并采用1-wire总线技术和无线传输技术,设计一种应用于温室大棚的温度测控系统。它的原理是利用温度传感器将温室大棚内的温度发给单片机处理,最后再通过无线传输模块、RS-232总线将采集的数据传送到计算机,进行温度的显示、处理和报警。 整个系统设计分为硬件和软件两部分。在硬件方面,对硬件的各个环节都进行了仔细的分析、选取和设计。系统以单片机AT89S51为控制核心,采用温度传感器DS18B20进行数据采集,通过无线收发模块进行无线传输。在无线接收端,利用LCD液晶显示模块进行相关数据显示,并且单片机可通过RS232接口与计算机通信,进行温度的检测与控制。在软件方面,分为下位机软件与上位机软件两部分。下位机软件采用了C51高级语言进行程序设计,实现软件编程的模块化和独立性,具有良好的可测试性和可靠性。上位机软件采用C++ Builder作为开发环境,实现与下位机通信、数据处理与显示等功能。 经过软件仿真和硬件实验,本设计实现了对大棚温度的监测和控制,监测距离大于200m。 【关键词】As the greenhouse technology becomes more and more popular, and the number of the big sheds is on the rise, the control of its temperature becomes very important. Moreover, to keep pace with the modern technology, improving the condition of the monitoring is very necessary, which is fit for the guiding ideology of the socialism new countryside construction. Under this background, developing a wireless monitoring system with real-time performance and accuracy has gained much attention. This subject is put forward based on MCU, the 1-wire technology and wireless transmitting technology, a temperature monitoring system applied in the greenhouse was devised. The working principle of this project is the utilization of the temperature sensors, which transfers the temperature of the sheds to MCU, finally by wireless transmit module, RS232 Bus transmitting the data to the computer, carrying out the temperature’s display, process and alarm. The whole system consists of the hardware and software two parts. For the hardware aspect, this has been made a carefully analysis, collection and design on the every segment of the hardware. The system uses AT89S51 chip as the core of the control, chooses the temperature sensor DS18B20 to collect the data, then through wireless transceiver module transmit it and in the wireless receiver, selects LCD module to display related data, corresponding with the comput


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