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编号 论文 题目: 机械工程 学院专业 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 二〇一三年月 摘 要 关键词:注射模 ; 斜导柱 ; 侧抽芯 ; 型芯 ; ABSTRACT Analyse the Gangqiu turnover box, configuration, quality, output of the enzyme box cover, choose the suitability mold plan, analyse the parting line, impression quantity and place in mold, gating system, vent gas type, cooling system, design cavity plate, angle pin side action, mould emptier,and so on. machining & assembling mold, choose the injection molding machine, do production test, it is to meet quality of the enzyme box cover. it is usefulness for stylist when design the alike product. Analyzed the structure characteristics of the perfume cover outer shell plastics piece, described the piece’s structure and work principle which model a craft and inject a mold, its principle :adopt and certainly be apart from bolt and spring coil and carry on two cents type, use inclined lead a side outside the pillar and take out heart, type the heart crest spare parts, while entering and anticipating adoption incubate the type sprinkle into anticipate a form, while opening a mold, with the ball head pull and anticipate a pole sprinkle and note system and anticipate, then make use of and take out and push plank and release a plastics piece inside a heart,use spring coil and reset first while matching a mold, then carry on willing model a beginning next time.Raised to produce an efficiency. Keyword:inject a mold; inclined to lead pillar;the side takes out heart;type heart; 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 模具工业的地位 1 1.2 各种模具的种类 1 1.3我国模具工业的现状 2 1.4 国外模具工业的现状 3 1.5 我国模具技术的现状及发展趋势 4 第2章 产品及模具的三维造型 6 第3章 塑件材料分析和工艺性分析 8 3.1 材料分析 8 3.2 工艺分析 8 第4章 成型工艺的拟定 9 4.1制件的成型方法 9 4.2制件的成型参数 9 4.3确定型腔数目 9 第5章 成型零部件的设计 10 5.1成型零部件的结构设计 10 5.2成型零部件工作尺寸计算 11 5.3成型零部件的强度与刚度计算 12 第6章 浇注系统的设计 13 6.1制件在模具中的位置 13 6.2利用 Moldflow 确定浇口形式及位置 13 6.3流道的设计 14 第7章 结构零部件的设计 16 7.1注射模架各部件的选择 16 7.2定模板与动模板的设计 17


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